it's not a choice

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Your rights have been taken away, your freedom. You don't deserve freedom, do you?

The words "G O D H A T E S Y O U" printed on your forehead in the black ink of a poisonous kid. He does hate you though, doesn't he?

You've been called every name under the sun, and now you're beginning to believe them. They're true, aren't they?

You've been mocked and criticised and you no longer feel like being yourself is worth it. You don't even know who you are, do you?

You think you're in love, but after being told you're not, you begin to doubt your own emotions. You're just confused, aren't you?

You spent your childhood praying, so as to enter heaven, despite it now being a waste of time. Heaven doesn't accept people like you, does it?

Your body is stained with the colour of ink and muddy lakes and your ribs are collapsing from the weight of regret, yet empty of any future. You won't have a future, will you?

You sit and you listen to how 'it's a choice', when really it's the opposite. You wouldn't choose this life, would you?

Why would you choose a life of oppression - and depression - over a life of freedom and justice?

You wouldn't.

So next time you tell someone that being gay, or whatever sexuality or gender they are, is a choice, think. Who would choose that life?


I hate homophobes.

Also, thanks Wattpad for making me practice English and helping me to achieve the highest level in the class (not quite sure how, I'll blame it on luck).

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