Then, there was Noah. His beautiful physique shined beautifully in front of her. He had one hand shoved into his pocket, while the other hung fashionable to the side of his powerful thigh. Their dance was all Naomi could think of for the rest of the night. His entire demeanor was a distraction. So, as she tried to die down the fire bursting inside of her, therefore, went out of her way to ignore him, she saw the evident annoyance in his eyes. He didn't understand. No matter how much she desired him and wanted to see where their attraction would lead them, it was impossible. It was inappropriate. The whole situation was—forbidden.

Outside of the building, Naomi dismissed Aaron and Erica, and wished them well. They didn't need her anymore. They'd found their matches, and as unexpected as it was, it was each other. She was happy for them, well, maybe a better word was ecstatic. They both deserved the kind of love they would potentially give each other. She waved goodbye to them as they left the building with grins plastered on their faces.

Naomi turned to Noah who still looked slightly irritated. His lips formed a straight line, and he didn't bother to speak. She took this as a hint to go first.

"Well, unfortunately Mr. Alexander we didn't find you a match tonight. But you said you wanted to schedule an appointment next week? I can definitely have a few dates laid out for you by then."

Noah looked bored as she gave him insight. He stared blankly at her. She fidgeted under his beam. Pausing momentarily and Naomi watched him before she started up again.

"How does that sound?"

"Fine," he said, letting his gaze wander elsewhere.

"Okay I'll see you then, please give me a call if you need anything," Naomi involuntarily gave a smile. And dug into her purse and scrambled for her business card.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" he confronted her. Noah's face held a blank expression, underlined with confusion.

Shit. Why did he have to bring this up? Why couldn't he just let it go? She sighed.

"I don't know what you mean?" she came back with the same curiosity, trying to play somewhat dumb to his advance.

He sucked his teeth.

"C'mon now Naomi," the use of her first name raised her attention. He was now stepping closer to her, invading her space.

"Don't play innocent."

"I'm not playing and I'm not ignoring you."

"So, leaving the area anytime I come remotely close to you, isn't ignoring me?"

She fidgeted. He'd caught her.

"Admit it," he continued, throwing her off.

"You're attracted to me, just as much as I'm attracted to you."

Naomi's cheeks burned and turned a shade of apple red. She gradually paced backwards once she noticed that he was still moving in closer. The couple were almost toe to toe. She could feel the heat emanating from his frame and she swallowed hard. Her breathing was starting to speed up again. He had the same effect on her now as he did an hour and a half ago. Furthermore, Naomi clutched the business card in her hand. As Noah kept his attention trained on her and pursued his movements, she continued to step back until her back lightly hit the wall.

Noah's sultry eyes daggered across her body; he started at her lips, down her fitted dress, that shaped her hourglass frame perfectly, all the way to how her heels complemented her toned legs. He licked his lips in approval. Raising his hand, he placed the tips of his fingers on her smooth forearm, and she shuddered at the sudden contact. Noah lowered his head down until their noses almost kissed, while his fingers simultaneously teased her bare skin. Their breathing was heavy, and desire flushed through each of them.

Noah allowed his steady fingers to go lower, and lower, and intertwined his fingers with hers and slyly slipped the card out of her palm, and took a step back, leaving Naomi disappointed from the loss of contact. A smirk crossed his lips.

"I'll give you a call," he said in a sensual whisper. He turned away, and strolled down the dark sidewalk, and departed from an obscured hot and very bothered, Naomi.


The rest of the weekend for Naomi was set strictly for relaxation. She decided that she would allow herself the luxury, to sit back in her own spacious apartment, maybe pour herself a tall glass of wine, and momentarily forget her troubles. On Sunday morning, she went to the gym, worked out for about two hours, later she ran a few errands, cleaned up her entire place, and called Veronica to ask her if she wanted to join her for dinner. Veronica complied, showing up with two red box movies and a box of popcorn. The two of them enjoyed their nice composed Sunday. They talked about various topics, laughed, and joked. Sunday's like these with Veronica were refreshing and made her truly appreciate their friendship. They finished watching the two movies. Naomi surprisingly liked Veronica picks; the first was a romantic comedy and the other was an action movie. When they had finished all their wine and popcorn, and their usual banter, Naomi hugged Veronica goodnight and shut the door tightly behind her.

Monday rolled around and Naomi rose out of her bed, rubbed her lids back and forth while trying to hold back a yawn. She hopped into the shower, brushed her teeth as well as her hair and applied a satisfying amount of makeup. Taking a step back, she admired her outfit choice and overall look in the mirror. She never tried to overdo it for the office, mostly because she mastered the art of upholding the conservative image with a dash of sexy. Therefore, she nodded her head in admiration, she grabbed her keys off the counter and her purse from the coffee table and headed out the door.

Pulling up to Cupid's Arrow Naomi went straight to the elevator and pressed her floor number. When the elevator slid open she saw Heather's brows scrunched, as she was typing away at her computer. She casually marched past Heather and greeted her with a grin.

"Morning Heather," she uttered. Heather peeled her eyes from the screen.

"Oh, good morning Naomi," she said.

"Hey, wait up before you go. A man called today, he said he was one of your clients. He mentioned that he wanted to meet with you as soon as possible."

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