♥07♥ Let's piece everything back together

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Ranfa went into her bedroom to see some things has changed; her bed was big for a single adult to sleep on. Her parents must have kept their hopes she will return so they changed only the things that needed changing. She can see that her Mother has been keeping up with the cleaning too, keeping it tidy for the day she will come back. 

She rest her body on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She still can't believe she was home...

"I'm home..." She lived 3 years as a completely different person. 'The last time I remember I was myself was when in that taxi...something happened and then somehow I lost my memories and Ran's parents claimed I was their daughter. I lived as Ranmao for 3 years, completely unaware who I really was until today...' She thought to herself as she recalled the way Atobe using Atobe Kingdom. "You've finally reached the Kingdom I talked about..." She found her true self again because of that move. 'Your eyes are so different now, so cold and lonely...' She couldn't get herself to call him 'Kei-chan' because she can see the pure hatred in his eyes; whatever truth she has to say will be turned into a lie without reasons. 

The same went for Oshitari and the others too. She saw the way they looked at her with contempt and she knew straight away they will not believe a thing she will say or do because they will refute her by saying 'Shishido already told you that'. Ranfa cursed herself for being Ranmao; Ranmao totally ruined everything for her...

"Ranfa, can I come in?" Ranfa's Mother knocked on her door. 

"Come in." 

Her Mother entered the room, a small smile gracing her face. 

"You have no idea what it means to us that you are back." Her Mother sat on her bed, looking at Ranfa with a smile, "Look at you, you are beautiful." 

"I take it after you and Dad, it's to be expected. Mom, before we go to school...take me to the hospital." 


"I want to do a DNA test." 

"What? Why?" 

"In case Ran's parents ever accuse you of kidnapping and twist the story around." Ranfa know Ran's parents don't really mean harm but she wanted to be on the safe side. 

"I understand. I'll arrange it with your Father." 

"Thank you." 

"How did you suddenly remember everything?" 

"I saw Atobe-senpai's technique." 

"That guy...he has been keeping in contact with us ever since you were missing. He misses you, Ranfa. You should see him as soon as possible." 

"That's the problem, whatever I say or do now, he is convinced I am Ranmao." Ranfa looked dejected just remembering the eyes of her King; cold, distant, and lost.

"You have to throw everything into it then." Her Mother suggested, "The DNA results won't come out quick so you can't shove that in his face...you just have to prove to him who you are." 

"I know." 

"It won't be easy but I know you can do anything if you put your mind into it. You're my daughter after all." 


"By the way, did you open the three boxes under your bed?" 

"No. Why?" 

Ranfa's Mother got down on her knees and looked under Ranfa's bed. She took out three medium sized boxes that were wrapped up as a gift. 

"We don't know when you will come back so your Dad and I bought you a birthday gift." 

♥Wonderful Memories♥Prince of tennis♥Atobe KeigoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat