♥01♥ I am not Hyotei's blue flower

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"Ranfa..." He was glad he didn't forget about her after all. He embraced her tightly, never wanting to her go; there's so many things he wanted to tell her, the many words he never got the chance to tell her...

Before he can tell her anything, the girl put her hands on his chest and gave a gentle push so there was a small space in between them. She looked at him with eyes full of loss and confusion.

"Who are you?" Three simple words from her lips came out to shatter his hopes and wishes. It didn't help much that she has the same voice as Ranfa.

"Ranfa, you know me..." It was perplexing to him; she looked exactly like Ranfa, her voice sounded like Ranfa. "How can you now know who I am?"

"I really have no idea who you are. Besides, my name is not Ranfa." She made him let go of her and she started to write her name in Chinese on the chalkboard, "My name is Ying Ranmao."

"...Ranmao?" Her given name literally means blue cat in Cantonese. Unlike Ranfa, whose name family name was pronounced as 'Sakura' and written with the Kanji for 'cherry blossom', Ranmao's family was written in the same way but pronounced as 'Ying' which was how people from Hong Kong would pronounce cherry blossom. Most importantly, her family name and given name gave no indication that she's part Japanese like Ranfa.

"I am not Ranfa." Ranmao looked at Atobe with a flirty smile, not giving a damn even if they were the center of attention of the classroom. "I don't mind guys flirting with me but you need to do better with remembering my name, cutie. Oh, and before you ask, I don't have a relative called Ranfa either."

Atobe couldn't believe what he was hearing, he didn't want to believe it and he wanted to prove her wrong but he can see that he was disturbing the classroom. He repeated that he needed to borrow Hiyoshi and Choutarou. The teacher allowed his request to go on.

'She looks exactly like Ranfa...' Atobe thought as he left the classroom with his juniors.

Atobe got the tennis regulars to go to the student council president's office. They were originally going to discuss something about the lineup but he put that aside because he needed to tell the others about the Ranfa lookalike.

"See? I told you I wasn't crazy or my eyes were betraying me." Oshitari was glad Atobe and the 2nd years were able to prove there was a girl who looked like Ranfa! Gakuto, Shishido, and Jirou didn't believe him when he said he saw Ranfa! How could they call him a liar so easily?

"Does she really look like Ranfa?" Gakuto asked.

"If Ranfa grew up with us, she would look like that." Atobe was sitting on his favorite chair, arms crossed and a leg on top of the other, looking like a king on a throne. "No matter how you look at it, that girl is Ranfa."

"But she said her name is Ying Ranmao..." Choutarou reminded.

"That ribbon...Ore-sama gave her that ribbon." Atobe then closed his eyes, recalling a piece of memory from three years ago...

"Oh my god! It's so long!" Ranfa was surprised that Atobe has a gift for her when it's not even her birthday. She opened the small box to see two very long white ribbons. 

Atobe chuckled at her reaction and brought her close to him on the sofa. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before telling her the reason why he got her the hair accessory.

"You said you want to grow your hair longer."  He touched her one of her pigtails and held it to his nose so he can smell the fragrance from it.

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