Level one

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At night we all met at Rick's small café. Now I'll tell you what grandma chicken is. A few weeks back we had this stupid argument with Louise and his friends about which team is better. The argument led to this challenge. And every challenge is incomplete without silly and embarrassing bet; also it adds fun to it. Rick's café is not so popular, as it was newly opened. So in an attempt to increase the popularity of the café we had this bet. The losing team will be mascots, dressed like an old, fairy tale type grandmothers, fairy godmothers with another person in a chicken costume and will roam in streets to advertise for Rick. We will also take pictures for Rick's website.

I don't remember how that helped his business, but it was fun for us when all our classmates saw that.

I was the first one to arrive and my friends came after few minutes, everyone but Marco's sister. We waited in the café for Louise and his group after ordering our food. We took a table near the entrance for a better view. As I said the café was newly opened so there weren't much people. Mostly it was just our team that day.

Finally the fun started when Louise and his group came. It was the best moment of our day, all the pranks that they ever pulled on us; it was a revenge for that.

"What took you guys so long?" Marco asked with a laugh.

"I needed some time to set my hairs." Louise who was one of the fairy god mothers replied angrily. The rest of us just took pictures, so many pictures.

"Good, good you guys are here now go." Rick came to them and handed them his pamphlets.

"Before you guys go." Zack took out the camera and took one last group picture with Rick.

"Say cheese."

"So cute." Rose commented.

"You guys done?" One of the chickens asked.

"Go on I don't have whole night." Rick guided them to the door. We are never letting them forget that.

Our food was soon on the table. We all spend the night with talking, jokes and teasing.

"May I have your attention please?"Rick was on the microphone.

"Uh, we've got a singer here with us. I would like to call her on the stage to sing a song for all of us. Amelia?" she was Rick's wife and a shy singer.

"Go Amelia." She was not ready to go on the stage. It was a surprise for her. So we cheered for her. She finally decided to go on the stage and sing. She sang acoustic version of "Angle of the morning".

"Oh here she is." Marco pointed to the door. I turned to see and it was your mother. Looking at her was like a scene from a movie for me. Song at the back ground and the girl coming to me, I felt my heart racing fast and this has never happened. But I soon came to my senses, and to the reality.

Zack made sure that no one mentions her name and no one finds out about that bet.

"What took you so long?" Marco asked her.

"I had trouble finding a taxi." She told him as she sat next to him.

"Hi guys." She said to all of us.

"Oh Shon I didn't introduced you to my sister here. She's...." before Marco could introduce her to me Zack interrupted. He's really clever he wouldn't let me win that easy.

"Uh, Kate you always complain Marco never dance unless he's drunk, so why don't you take him now. It's a good song playing." We laughed at poor Marco. Zack was right he's embarrassed of dancing unless he's drunk.

"Yeah, yeah c'mon Mark." Kate took the poor Marco with him for dance.

"C'mon Rose." Zack also gave me a chance to ask Alex by leaving us two alone.

"So miss not so talkative, what would you like to have?" I started conversation with her.

"If you wanna call me weird names at least try harder." She said reading the menu.

"I don't know your name so I have to call you by something and you respond to everything." I joked.

"Whatever." She took a cold drink that Marco already ordered for her.

"Coke lover." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay Ms. Boring." Again she didn't reply.

"Um what about Leona?" I did a crazy guess.

"What?" Was I really that bad?

"Okay I get it, Lisa, Melina, Angie because you are always angry." I joked.

"What about Deiena?" I did another wild guess.

"It's Alex now for god's sake stop embarrassing yourself." She gave up. And that's how I won the level one.

"Alex, nice name. Like it." I complimented.

"Good for you." She was not interested in talking. Our friends came back after the song ended.

"He was so good. I am proud of you sweety." Kate told us excitedly.

"Yeah yeah." Mark was not excited.

"So Alex what brought you to the town?" I asked to prove to Zack that I have crossed level one. Zack was shocked and impressed too.

"Well I just completed my studies for fashion designing and I came here for a job. I just submitted an application. That's one of the reasons why I am late. "She told us. I remember how excited she was when she told us that.

"Pay up." I whispered to Zack when everybody got busy talking. He unwillingly took out a dollar and gave me.

"How did you do that? You didn't cheat do you?" he was not expecting this. I am onto level two.

"How would I cheat? I told you I work my magic." I smiled to him and we ended that conversation, for now.

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