The five levels

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"Excuse me?" she said to me and gave me a weird look.

"Yeah. An angel is sitting in front of me, and I don't know the reason for her sadness...but maybe I can make her feel better by just one dance." I said.

She bends closer to my ear and whispered. "Nice try but you wasted your time here."

"C'mon, that's just one dance!" I pleaded.

"Try that out on some other girl. I'm not your type." she said and walked away from me.

I raised my hand up to call the waiter over and ask for a drink, when she came back to me. She patted my shoulder; I turned back and saw her.

"I'm sorry, my bad. I shouldn't have said what I said." she apologized. Was she apologizing? Did my magic work on her too?

"Oh really." I said and gave her a smile which had made tons of girls faint, until now.

"Yeah I shouldn't have said 'I am not your type'" she bent closer to me and said, "Actually, you are not my type."

Alright that was an insult for me. No one has ever said something like that to me. First she refused to dance with me, and then she said "I am not her type." Man, what the hell is going on?

"Fool." she said in a low tone and walked away.

What kind of girl is she? Too much attitude.

"Are you happy now?" Zack came to me.

"After this beautiful insult?" he completed his sentence.

"Shut up..." I snapped at him and ordered for a beer.

"I told you." he said. The waiter gave me a mug of beer and I took a big sip.

"This girl has got so attitude in her." I said looking at her. She was standing at one side of the room with Marco, Rose, and Katharine.

"Or your ego is so big that it hurts you a lot hearing a big no from a girl." he commented. I finished my beer and put the mug down.

"I'll show her who I am." I said.


"I'll make her fall for me and then I will ditch her like always. She thinks she's so smart. That Miss Arrogant will fall madly in love with me, you'll see." I told him.

"Oh please Shon... It's not worth it. She said you are not her type, she'll never fall for you." he said.

"Bet?" I asked him. He looked at me in amaze.

"You want to have a bet?" I asked again.

"Okay." He said in an unsure tone.

"Okay...but let's make this a little interesting." I said.

"Okay, how?" he asked in a suspicious tone.

I told him the rules and what I had in mind.

Number one : she'll tell me her name herself.

Number two: We'll soon be friends.

Number three: I'll give her a ride in my car.

Number four: I'll take her out on a date.

Number five: I'll kiss her and she'll say the three magical words, 'I love you' to me.

"That's an easy bet, you'll lose after level two. I'm in." he was too confident.

"Oh, we'll see." But I had more confidence in myself.

"But be careful. Make sure you won't fall in love with her." he joked.

"Oh please you know me. How could I ever fall in love with someone so arrogant? Or be in love at all?"

I'm not really a 'fall in love' kind of guy. I am not like Marco or Zack, who can be in relationship with a single girl for so long. I mean, Marco is even getting married to Katharine.

But marriage and me, no. Not a good mix. It's actually kind of a nightmare for me. Ugh, I can't sleep if I think about such a horrible thing. Marriage, love, no way. Now I need a beer...

"Hey buddy?" I called out to the bartender for a refill.


", you were a jerk." My daughter said. That's why I didn't want to get involved in this story telling. I don't want my kids to hear about me when I was that.

"Yeah I was, but your mother changed me." I replied.

"If I ever meet a guy like you in my life...I mean when you were a jerk, I would definitely slap him first, then take off my sandals, and will hit him hard on the face." she said.

"That's my girl. Now I don't have to protect you from guys like my old self like normal dads do." I joked. She felt good about the compliment.

"I got to say, I'm kind of like my father that way." my son said with a smile. Wow, that's even worse my so liking that image of mine...

I told them telling our love story to kids isn't a good idea.

"Really?" his girlfriend or whatever gave him a fierce look.

"But I am not like him...seriously." he clarified. I don't want him to be like that.

"So how far did you go on the bet?" Mia asked.

"Let me guess, you did lost after level two." Lee said.

"You really think so?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I mean Alex is way better than you." he said.

"Oh you'll see how far I went."

After that discussion I was about to start again, but was interrupted.

"Hi guys! I'm back!" called Nora, Lee's wife.

"Nora, thank god baby you're back! I am so glad to see you." Lee went to her and gave her a big hug. Nora was surprised about such a welcome.

"I missed you so much. The kids are so much trouble, how do you handle them?" Lee cried

Noah and Mia ran to their mothers and hugged her tightly. She kissed both of them and picked Noah up in her arms. Then the three started complaining about each other and their irresponsible behavior. No one understood a word.

Let's just cut that argument out that went on for about twenty minutes

"Okay shut up both of you! Nora how did you know that I was here?" Lee asked.

"Where else would you go? Whenever you are in any trouble you go running to Shon, and this time you were handling the kids, so this is big trouble isn't it?" Nora said jokingly.

"And is there any party going on here?" she said looking around.

"Oh Mr. and Mrs. J are telling us the story about how they met and fell for each other." Mia told her.

"Oh that's good. Why did you stop? Go on!" she said and everybody took their seats.

"Uh, by the way Nora, this is Rose and Zack our very old and close friends." Alex introduced Nora to our friends.

"And guys this is Nora, Lee's wife."

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