It's story time...

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A/N: Ok guys this is my 2nd story, the idea just came in my mind so I wrote it. Please Comment

I made the cover myself.

Sorry for any mistakes. And please feel free to tell so that I can correct them.



"Yeah, babe. I'm sorry, I really want to come but unfortunately I can't. I'm not feeling too well." he said, putting in a fake cough. "Yeah, love you too, bye." said my seventeen year old son, Matt, to his girlfriend or soon to be ex-girlfriend.

I was doing some household chores when he came and sat on couch. "Are you okay, Matt?" I asked him dusting up my living room because no one ever does their chores in this house and I end up cleaning the house on Sunday, the one day I get free.

"Yeah, Mom" He replied texting on the phone

"Dumping another girlfriend?" I asked him.

"She is so annoying...and irritating."

""Those are synonyms." My fifteen year old daughter, Lily, corrected him while playing games on her father's laptop.

"Shut up!" Matt snapped back to her.

"You find every girl annoying within a week of a relationship." I said to him and asked him to remove his feet from the table.

"Well she constantly calls me; she wants to hang out all the time and last weekend she asked me to go to shopping with her. I mean c'mon a guy needs a break." He was so frustrated for absolutely no reason.

"Didn't she come to visit you in the hospital when you broke your leg, she even stayed the night. She is a sweet girl Matt." I reminded him and he knew I was right he just wouldn't accept it.

"You're such a jerk!" Lily said..

"Lily, he's your older brother," And then the two began to fight. Every time...

"Lily, Matt! Stop it!" I dropped my work to break off their fight.

"Alex, have you seen my laptop?" my husband, Shon, asked me while entering the living room with loads of files.

"Oh here it is... Lily, c'mon, you have been playing games on it for two hours. I have to do my work now."

"Do you wanna help me here?" I asked him to interfere in their fight; he just looked at me clueless.

Matt's phone rang. Thank god

"Oh hey Sam. I'm good, how are you? I'm always free for you..." He answered the phone while pushing Lily away so her punches wouldn't reach him.

"Okay. See you at Caribbean at five. Bye." he hung up pushed Lily back. She gave up.

"I thought you weren't feeling well?" I asked him.

"Oh. I'm for Veronica. This was Sam I am always alright for her. She is the hottest girl in the school, Mom."

"You are such a player." Lily said him.

"Just like your father." I pointed out.

"What, me?" he jumped into the conversation as soon as he heard a comment on himself.

"Yeah, you." I answered.

"You think I'm a player?" he questioned further.

"Was a player."

"Yeah...I still remember all your girlfriends' names." I added teasing him further.

"That was..." he tried to disapprove but even he knew that was useless.

"Mom, how come you and Dad fell for each other?" Lily asked.

"It's a long story." I said to them cleaning up the lamp, hung right up at the window.

"We have time my date is at five. And Lily has nothing to do except to dork around and annoy everyone."

Lily opened her mouth to say something, but Shon interrupted her "It's a long and boring should go and study. Lily, my laptop."

"Please, Dad? Please, please?" They started to beg.

"Fine...fine..." he said just to shut them up. Works every time on him. That's how we went to Disneyland last year.

"Yay!" the kids said excitedly. We all settle down and I started to narrate the story.

"Okay. So here I go..."


A/N: Ok guys so how do you like the idea?

That's How We Fell For Each OtherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin