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Two Years Later

Calum and Ashton get married two years after they get back together. Ashton moved with Calum back to (Reread part to find where Calum went to college) and they adopted two kids Lacy and Jack. Lacy is two years old and is from Aussie. Jack is from The states and it took a year and a half to adopt Jack. Jack is now 4 and is adventurous and gets into a lot of trouble.

Luke and Michael went their separate ways for school. Luke went to a top New York school for music. Michael went to a school in Japan and learned Japanese and works in creating new Pokémon Anime. Luke and Michael speak to eat other when they both are able to and they are both up with the time difference. Luke and Michael still love each other very much but they decided to stay friends until they are both able to work and be together one day down the road.


Current Day a year later

Luke was sitting in the old house. Calum and Ashton and their family were due to arrive at any second. Luke was nervous because he hasn't seen them since they all moved to separate places. They all always came back to the house when ever they could. Luke was a year graduated and has not spoken to anyone since he lost all of their phone numbers. He was lucky that none of them changed. When he first got to the house he went to the old phone book with all of the phone number they had. He found Calum's and called him instantly. They planned to all move back to Aussie and be together again. To Luke disadvantage he was not able to get a hold of his dear Michael. Luke figured that Michael had changed his number to move on but it was actually just Luke didn't have international calling. He just gave up trying. He cried until he had no tears left the night before.

Luke hears a knock on the door. "Luke mate open up." Ashton yells. Luke walks over to the door and opens it. "Don't you have a key to the house still" Luke said as Ashton, Calum, Lacy, and Jack walk through the door. "I invited some of our old friends to stop by Niall, Taylor, Nick, Julie, and also a surprise." Calum said as he walked past Luke. "It's like we never left but its a lot more cleaner." Ashton sighs and looks around. All the memories of Michael and Luke all around and the memories of the heart break. "So when is everyone else arriving?" Luke questioned as he was nervous to see everyone and he wonder what his surprise was. "They will be in soon, they took Taylor's private jet so it shouldn't be long now." Calum said as Ashton looked at him in confusment. "Don't worry babe you have nothing to fear at all." Ashton still looked confused. A second later the door bell rings. Taylor, Niall, Nick, and Julie are standing in the door way. Calum looks confused he motions them all to go into the other room with him. "Where is the surprise for Luke I thought it would be with you?" Calum said as he passes back and forth in the room. "I had my other jet go and get it. It should be here soon." Taylor said. They all knew Luke and Ashton and the kids where listening behind the door. The five of them walk out of the room. The door bell rings two minutes later. Taylor opens the door and Michael. Taylor leads him into the living room and moves aside showing him off. Luke stands and starts to cry. "We haven't talked or seen each other in what 2 years now and you seemed to forget about me and you come here acting like you did nothing." Luke yells in between sobs. "Baby I didn't forget about you at all I was busy and you changed your phone number I was trying to contact you baby. I called your school but every time I did Babe your campus was closed and you were asleep i was trying to find you." Michael says as he cups Luke's cheek in his hand as he wipes away Luke's tears. "Babe I never lost what we had and now with us all here and back to normal like you have always said you wanted it. It took some years but we are all here thanks to you and Calum." Michael says as he brings Luke closer to him. "Babe I have missed these sweet lips and your smell and your voice and everything about you." Michael says as he leans in and kisses Luke passionately. The room abrupts in aww. A moment later Michael is down on one knee "Luke Robert Hemming's Will you marry me?" Luke doesn't say anything just kisses Michael.

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