Didn't Expect That Answer

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Ashton's POV-

My mum pulls in the drive with Harry and Lauren. My heart starts beating faster. I cry even harder. Luke and Calum left I don't know where they went. I start to have a panic attack, Michael noticed i was crying a lot and shaking. Michael gets up from the other couch and comes and holds me in his arms. I push my head into his chest he pushes my head all the way into his chest. Mum come in to the Living room and gasps.

"ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN what are you doing?!"

"We are j-just c-c-c-cuddling t-t-t-thats a-a-a-ll."

"Where is Calum? Where is your new friend Luke?"

"Hi, Mrs. Irwin Luke went to get some fresh air. I was hoping to go out with him tonight but i have seen you in forever."
​"Michael are you and Ashton dating??? Or are you and this Luke kid who I haven't met yet dating? Ashton what is going on I have been gone not even three weeks."

"I-I-I-I u-u-u-u-u-u-u-um Mum can i talk to you alone with out Harry and Lauren in the room. Can Michael please Stay???"

"Harry, Lauren go and clean your room get everything back to normal around here. Yes Michael can stay honey. What do you need to talk to me about honey?" She looked so concerned about me."

"I well Mum Calum and I are more then friends."

​"Ashton baby I know you two treat each other as brothers that is nothing new around here honey."

"Mum I am not just talking about brotherly love. Mum I am in love with Calum. Mum I am gay. I" she cuts me off.

​"Oh Ashton. I know you are I have known for a while i was kind of obvious when you brought your first girl home you didn't look at her like you look at Calum. The other day when i stopped home and you and him were cuddling on the couch like you two always do. You gave him a look that I have only seen you give Harry and Lauren. Ashton I am happy you are happy."

"Mum please don't tell Harry or Lauren I don't want the too tell the whole school they can't keep a secret at all."

"Honey, no they won't. You need to trust them dear. They need to know that you and Calum are going to be spending a lot more time together. Its just with them seeing you as a father."

"I know they look up to me as their father figure but I can't pretend to be straight with you anymore with them its different because they will tell their friends and their friends tell other and then the whole school knows. I am sorry mum i don't want them knowing right now."

"I think it is for the best that they don't know that all four of us are gay. Considering that Luke is badly bullied and harassed because he doesn't fit in with anyone at all. Luke has horrible parents they know he is gay I think I haven't really talked to him about it. He doesn't like talking about his family much. I have  to talk to him about it because their has to be a reason he is so celled  off from the world."
As soon as Michael said that Calum came in with Luke.

( continuation of chapter 8 now)

20 minutes after

"Will you be my boyfriend Calum Hood?" I asked Him as I kissed Calums soft plump red lips.

I pull back slowly biting his lip. I was expecting a answer right then and there but that didn't happen. He was the focus of attention right then and there. Calum looked at me and then took off down the hall to my room. I followed after him. I could hear Lauren and Harry start to scream and yell at me mum. I didn't want to tell them but I guess it would come out at one point. I was just hoping not today of all days. I am glad they are returning to there friends houses after this weekend. School had been out for break for a few days now. Mum was happy for me but I didn't know how Harry and Lauren were going to take the news. I turn my attention back to Calum. I move towards the bed that he was laying on crying face down in to a pillow. I lay right on top of him whispering "Calum, Baby, its going to be ok." he turns over and throws me off of him.

"How are you so sure its going to be ok? How do you know that she won't tell my parents? Ashton you know how me mum is she almost flipped shit when I asked them if i could move in with you and you know how she is. When me mum finds out that I am gay she will throw me out for good."  Tears started falling from his eyes I kissed the streams of tears trying to calm him down, but that didn't work he was so upset.

"You never know baby. She could react differently then we both know. Calum, please look at me. Calum I love you with all my heart. Your perfect. What ever your decision is I support you I am here for you. Calum I am in love with you!" I scream t get his attention.

"Ashton please stop. Please, just please stop. You can't possible love me." 'Is he crazy I am madly in love with him. What’s he even talking about? I wouldn't lie about loving about loving him. I have no clue why he was saying all of this to stop. To stop loving and caring for him. He is my everything.’ I couldn’t stop thinking of why would he say this to me.

“Calum, honey I would never ever hurt you at all. Calum why are you saying these things. Babe please tell me why. What going on?” I didn’t even noticed I started crying.

Calum looks up to me. His eyes are red from crying and the tears streams down his face. I kiss him as he cries even more.

"Ashton. I. Just. Ugh. People are bullying me Ashton. They say that anyone that loves me is a lie because I am so ugly. I will be your boyfriend." I kissed him and blushed.

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