Chapter 19- Stay with me!

Start from the beginning

She shook her head, she couldn't speak, she was afraid she would break down or say something and hurt him and she didn't want that and if she cried infront of him he would just gather her up into his arms and she knew she would fall for him and his warm embrace and never get out of his grasp, she had to get out while she still could.

"I'm leaving Harry and if you care about me at all... do not come after me...ever" she said when she gulped and finally got her voice back.

She knew her decision was not an easy one, she would not get to see the boys but she had to be hard on herself so she wouldn't get hurt in the long run, still without Harry her life would not be the same anymore. Her experience had definitely toughened her up, maybe things do happen for a reason after all. She was no longer the naive girl she had been all her life, but on the way to this tough girl she had lost some of her shine and it wasn't necessarily a good thing, and she knew that a huge part of her shine was Harry so she knew also that now her shine was gone forever.

"Jenna no" he whispered and you could hear his voice catching in his throat, he knelt down in front of her and hugged her to him.

She was temtped to hug him back but instead she untangled his hands away from her, "Bye Harry, I know this is for the best" she said and right after that she left him there.

Harry's phone started ringing again, he didn't know how he managed it but he grabbed the phone and looked at the called i.d, it was Carrie again, this time he picked up, "Stop calling me!" he growled and before she could say anything he hung up and threw his phone against the wall watching it shatter to pieces just like his heart.

He had a battle going on inside of him, he loved Jenna very much and all he wanted was to go after her lke he had never wanted anything in his life but on the other hand she was right, if he cared for her he would care for her heart and let her go, let her do what she really wanted, he didn't want the tabloids and noisy liars to hurt her because of him so maybe this was for the best.

Harry sat down on the bed and ran his hand through his curls, the same curls Jenna loved so much, she had always loved his curls, he tuged at his hair and cried like he hadn't done in years, "What did I do?" he murmured to himself.

Jenna went back to Niall's room trying hars not to cry. When she opened the door the guys whipped their heads around and so did the girls, obviously waiting for some news but when they saw the expression on Jenna's face and the fact that she was alone, they knew what had happened and it was clear it was bad.

Kelly and Niall finally joined the group again and when Kelly saw Jenna her face turned from a happy one to one full of concern, "Jenna?" she said as she rushed to her, she didn't even know she had been out of the room and with Harry, she had been on the balcony with Niall all this time, so this was very confusing to her, "What's wrong babe?" she asked with her usual comforting tone of voice that Jenna loved so much.

"I'm going back to London, this was a very bad idea, I loved seeing all of you but Harry and I cannot be friends like we used to be anymore and we both know it" she said as she wiped tear from her cheek.

"He sure doesn't seem to think that though" said Liam concerned, he was a hopeless romantic and even though he knew it would be hard, he wanted them to work and deep down he thought they would so it pained him to see it hadn't.

"We both just agreed it wouldn't work, so... urm.. guys I'm very happy to be here and that I got to see you perform again and you know I love you all guys and that I'm very proud of you but I really have to go, I start work again in two days anyway" she said as she took her things ready to leave for their hotel and get home.

She hugged everyone and so did Kelly, she was dying tp stay but her friends needed her at the moment and she came first, she took Niall's number and she was sure she hadn't seen the last of him, not after the kiss he had stolen back outside on the balcony and the way he was looking at her she knew he wanted to do it again and so did she.

Everyone was very sad with the outcome of the visit and with the fact that they didn't know when or if they would see her again and Perrie was also very sad she hadn't had any girl time with Jenna and never got to know Kelly better but still that all wished them luck and said their goodbyes and soon Jenna and Kelly were off to their hotel to get their stuff and then to the airport to go back home, back to London.

But wait... who else lives in London? Maybe she wouldn't be as far away from temptation as she would have liked....


AUTHOR NOTE: I'm sorry but I have family and internet issues and I never can come on here as much as I like, but I am reading a lot of stories people have given me and I love them! Anyway I hope you like this chapter, what do you think? Jenna made the right choice?

OH and for the friends fans, haha did you get the kneeling down part? It's from when Ross cheated and was apologizing to Rachel aahh Iove and hate that episode, stupid xerox girl!!!

Anyway I rambled enough..I think.. so please vote and send me feedback I always read and writr back and sometimes I also dedicate so please please send it!! Love you all and Cyazz on the next chappie... !! xxxxxxxx

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