Chpater 12- I need a favour!

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None of thr girls had remembered, probably not even the boys, no one had mentioned anything.

"We absolutely have to prepare something" said Jenna eyes wide.

The girls agreed and when they were done with their things they went to buy something for him, they also bought some party stuff and then as Jenna got a bit bummed about celebrating Harry's birthday on the crammed bus an idea popped in her head and she knew what she had to do.

She asked the girls for confirmation but she was pretty sure that for this week the boys didn't have much to do so on Harry's birthday they could pull off a huge party for him, if everything went as she imagined in her head.

She decided to call the person she had in mind immediately, she knew he would say yes to her, she never told anyone just because of Aaron but when they left from Tim's house he had slipped her his number at a point and now she decided to use it.

She found the number and called immediately.

"Hello Tim here" he answered after two beeps.

"Hi Tim, It's Jenna" she said hoping he remembered who she was, it would be so awkward if he didn't.

"Hi Jenna, what a great surprise, how are you doing?"

She sighed, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding .

"I'm okay thanks, I'm sure you are too, with all you need in that huge house" she joked with a smile, even though she knew he couldn't see her.

"Well sometimes it gets just too lonely around here" he replied, she could almost detect a smile in his voice even though it was impossible from over the phone but she just knew he was amused about his reply.

"Well that's what I actually wanted to talk to you about but this is awkward because I mean... I don't really know you" she said biting her lip nervously, she glanced at the girls but they just willed her to continue.

"You're coming to keep me company?" he asked, sounding surprised. She giggled, something she never did and she wanted to kick herself for letting it escape, so she cleared her voice trying to play it off as a cough, and continued, "Well not exactly, but... I would be very grateful if you would be se kind as to let us throw Harry a birthday party at your place" she started, shutting her eyes closed, "I know this is out of the blue and maybe an imposition but I thought you wouldn't object because you were so nice to us, and we all liked your place, I love your house" she rambled on hopeful to sound cute instead of a blabbing idiot.

"Just the house?" was all he said, she hadn't expected that at all.

She smiled getting the teasing joke, "Well the furniture and the pool are cool too" she teased back.

"Oh..." he trailed off.

"And the owner seems like a fine lad" she finally said.

"Oh that is much better, well anyway I would be thrilled to have you in my house again, bring as much people as you like I would love to help, when is it?

"On thursday" she said hoping the date was good for him.

"Brilliant" he said.

"Oh you are an angel Tim, thank you so very much, this means a lot" she said stopping herself from jumping.

"If you come here early though, just you and me to set things up, that would be even better" he suggested.

"Oh yeah that's a great idea we bought some decorations anyway, might as well come and set them up" she said immediately.

"Tell me if you need me to come get you okay" he offered.

"It's a date, I'll call you" she blurted it out before she got what she had actually said.

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