Chapter 1- I missed you!

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Jenna Marks is a gorgeous girl, with big blue eyes and blonde hair, a face so fair that it looked like porcelain and a body that some would call perfect. Her life revolves around her friends like most girls at her age are, she's 22 and she's in love with life. Yet some of her friends weren't exaclty the usual ones you go to next door. Well not anymore anyway, they were human alright but you couldn't exactly be normal friends with five world famous boys. For example she couldn't see them as much as she'd like and when she did they were always busy and if she was with them they were always mobbed and time with them was obviously restricted.

Yet they never forgot about each other and no matter how many friends she had in Cheshire and the ones she made through the boys her best friend had always been and always would be, famous boy Harry Styles. And he would never change that for the world, no matter how many famous people he met, she was home and he loved that.

They had been friends for a long time, for over thaan ten years, no one could ever seperate them, some did try a few times in school but they were inseperable, if a girl told Harry he shouldn't hang out with Jenna then she wasn't the girl for him and so it went for Harry. They practically spent every minute they could, together.

When Harry turned fifteen they thought they could have something between them, Jenna had always felt and looked younger than she was so the different wasn't very evident. In those times Jenna used to get a little jealous when Harry went out with other girls, but as time passed and she realized she had just been afraid to lose him she got used to it and she also got him some numbers a few times, when either he asked her, or the girl in question did.

Jenna had always been a happy soul, always smiling, her blue eyes dazzling and making everyone happy along with her. She also had a few guys after her but sometimes she was too oblivious of it. Harry was always very protective but never seemed jealous, at first it did hurt Jenna a little that she had been the only one to feel something between the two of them, but they say time can heal anything and Jenna's 'injury' was minor and it healed and in time she figured she preferred being his friend than nothing at all, and she thought maybe a relationship with him would ruin the good times between them, she decided she loved being his friend too much so there was nothing wrong, things were great, why not leave them as they are.

Time did in fact heal and sometimes they even had double dates and loved it, even though they did make their dates feel a little uncomfortable, because when things got quiet and awkward they would unconciously start talking to each other about this and that and their dates would soon be ignored, so they tried no to that too often.

When Harry was sixteen Jenna and Anne, his mother and also some of his friends started naggin him about the X Factor again, Jenna had started the idea and now they all told him he should audition.

"You should do it, your voice is husky you know, you don't have to scream or sing your lungs out for a song to go right in your case" she told him as they sat on the porch of his house one day, the conversation was stoppen when Gemma, Harry's sister came calling for Jenna as they were going shopping together.

Anyway he took their advice and that choice had been the only thing to seperate them because as everyone knows he found his luck and is now 1/5 of One Direction, still though it's not like they weren't friends anymore, it's just that they saw each other far less than they would like to.

She still lived back in Cheshire and he was on tour for most of the time and if he wasn't on tour it was an interview or they were working on their album or signing, still other than that he now lived in London with the lads so he only visited Holmes Chapel and it wasn't like she sat around waiting for him, she had her own life and her own things to do and even if she would've loved to, when he visisted, she couldn't always drop everything to be with him.

.A Change of Heart.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora