Chapter 9- UnBreak my Heart!

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Jenna woke up before everyone else the next day and since she felt in a really good mood so she decided to use it for something and started to make breakfast for everyone. Harry was the second to wake up.

"Goodmorning" he said scratching his head as he joined her.

"Go put something on" she said without even turning around.

"How do you even know?" he asked in astonishement.

"Because it's you and I know you" she replied, still chopping and mixing.

"But Aaron's not even here anymore" he whined.

"Yeah, but people still live here with you, so go".

"Fine" he huffed, "But I know you like it" he said as he walked away.

She blushed and bit back a smile without ever turning because she knew deep down even if she didn't want to, she did like it.

He came back with a pair of joggers on and out his hands on her hips.

"What are we having?" he asked resting his head on her shoulder.

"Pancakes, toast, scrambled eggs, bacon ... and well some of everything" she explained.

"Smells amazing" he said as he kissed her cheek.

He held her tighter and let go to go sit down as she put everything in different plates and bowl and prepared empty plated for the biys to serve themselves.

"So I got you all for me now huh" he said amused as he sprawled himself on the chair and watched her as she served the table.

"Well for you and the boys, I miss them too you know" she smiled.

"Fine, I'll share you just a little" he said.

"Sharing is caring love" she said pinching his cheek, "Enough of that, I have an idea" she said with a glint in her eyes.

"I love it when you say that" he said, the same glint in his.

"Let's get the bacon and putit under Niall's nose, maybe he'll drool" she said, already getting excited about it.

"Best way to wake Nialler up" he said already getting up.

So they grabbed the bowl with the bacon and went to Niall's bed booth, they put the bacon under his nose, Liam was awake texting Danielle and he started giggling when he saw what they were about to do, Louis woke up with the smell and Jenna put a finger to her lips so that they wouldn't wake Niall up. As they approached him Niall started licking his lips and drooling.

"The only guy I know that will wet the bed from his mouth and for food" whispered Louis who was now crouched near them, joining in the waking-up-Niall-with-bacon project.

"Do you want it Niall?" Jenna whispered near his face.

Niall started murmuring something, "Wake up for the bacon Nialler" she whispered again with Harry filming it all from behind her.

"Wake up" said Harry a little louder.

"WAKE UP!!" screamed Louis on the top of his lungs, they heard a boom from the others side of the booths and Liam burst out laughing as Zayn had just jumped from bed and bumped his head.

"You guys are terrible" he said peeking out and rubbing his head, his eyes squiting from sleep.

"Why would you do that to me?" asked Niall with a hand on his heart.

Jenna pouted, "I just cooked a lot of food and table is full of it" she suggested.

"You're forgiven" he said without thinking twice and jumping down from his bed passing Jenna and kissing her cheek.

.A Change of Heart.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن