Chapter 8- Too much Attention!

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They had planned a barbeque for the night but it had started to rain so Tim rolled down a tent, it literally rolled down from two iron pillars and covered all his yard which was very big.

Now the rain had stopped  a little and it was a little easier to put the barbeque up, it wasn't very cold but  still everyone was fully dressed and under blankets, it was cozy and nice, bonding.

Niall and Harry were going to take care of the food even if Niall's idea of helping was ogling the food and trying to sneak some before anyone else so that he would get the big ones.

Harry looked amazing in the role of chef, the fire light made his curls shine and his green eyes sparkle whenever he glanced at Jenna. She felt so strange inside when he looked at her, he always had a look about him just for her but this time it felt do different. 

Soon Harry and Niall served the food to everyone and they noticed how they were all starving.

They all dug in happily.

"Food is great" said Jenna as she too, digged in.

"Glad you like it" said Harry as he winked at her.

Aaron gobbled it up but he would never admit he had actually liked it.

They ate and in minutes all the food was gone and their plates were emptyas they all rubbed their bellies in satisfaction.

Zayn suggested playing cards  and Niall jumped at the idea and for once Aaron too joined in. So Zayn, Niall and Aaron played as Liam watched in the role of the mediator and Jenna, Harry, Tim and Louis stood as audience.

Harry plopped beside Jenna because he didn't like Tim's arm sprawled on the back of the sofa behind Jenna.

So after Zayn won all the rounds and the clock struck one in the morning they were pretty much ready to leave, they obviously had to help Tim clean up first or Jenna would punish them all.

"You didn't have to tell them to help me" said Tim as he and Jenna took the plates inside, "I would've called a maid tomorrow" he continued.

"OH bollocks, not when we're here and can help" she said as she loaded the dishwasher, "I have to show my boys how to act nice or else they get too far off the rails" she smiled as she looked back at him straightening up.

"You are a good girl you know" said Tim.

"That's why my mum loves me" she joked as she took the cups from his hand and loaded them in too.

"I bet the boys love having you around" he said.

"I hope they do" she said.

"We really do" came a voice from behind Tim, from the door. Jenna looked over Tim's shoulder.

"Oh hi Harry" she said.

"All done with the cleaning" he said as if he waited for a gold star.

"We're going then?" she asked.

"Yeah in a few minutes" he replied.

Jenna nodded and the three of them walked out of the kitchen and met the others near the front door.

"Guys what can I say, it was a pleasure having you all here finally" said Tim.

"Thanks man" said Niall as he hugged him.

Aaron shook his hand, so did Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn. They all walked to the car as Jenna was the last to thank him, she hugged him and was all ready to join the others when he pulled her back, Harry turned around to see if she was still with them and saw everything.  Tim whispered something to her and then gave her a swift kiss on the cheek.

 She then moved back waved at him  and walked away joining Harry as he waited for her near the car, the others already inside.

"What did he tell you?" he asked her, as if he had the right to know.

"Why do you want to know, not even Aaron waited here like you, to ask me" she said with an amused smile.

"Maybe Aaron doesn't care enough but I do" he retorted looking at her and telling her with just one look that he still wanted to know.

"Fine brother! He told me that his doors are always open for me" she said.

Harry looked back at Tim, Tim just shrugged and waved one last time. After all Harry couldn't judge the guy anyway because he too was going after Jenna even though she had a boyfriend and no matter how much he told himself he shouldn't he knew he was still trying somehow, unconciously.

He looked away and since Jenna had already gone into the car he went right in after her.


The next day they had a show and both Aaron and Jenna attended but thr next day Aaron was leaving so all night  and all of the next day he kept on taking Jenna all for himself telling her he was going to miss her. It seemed he wanted be alone with her somewhere but Harry could hear her arguing with him a little.

"We can't go to a hotel, we'll stay here we'll have plenty of time together when I get back" he heard her tell him. Harry sneaked a peak and Aaron didn't seem happy at all and all through the day he kept taking her all for himself even during a simple game and whispering in her ear while she kept shaking her hand and saying stuff like , "not now" or, "Aaron stop we can't".

They were all having a movie night that day and since Aaron had to leave at four in the morning and he told everyone he was going to sleep and no one had noticed he had pulled Jenna with him.

So when the movie ended Harry looked around the group for her.

"Where's Jenna?" asked Zayn.

"I'll go check maybe she fell asleep" said Harry.

He stood up and went to look for her only he stopped in his tracks when for the first time he actually saw Aaron kiss Jenna, he liked to think they never did anything but obviously they did although he didn't want to think for how much they did, and he knew that. He felt a lump in his throat as Aaron's hands went to her hair , "I'll miss you" he heard her say when they broke away.

Harry ran to the bathroom so that he would not intrude but mostly beacause it was the first plave near and because he felt like he was dying inside. He looked into the mirror and willed himself to calm down, tomorrow Aaron wouldn't be here  and there would be no more jealousy, just fun and he would finally have his freind back even though that was all he could have her as sadly because even though Aaron would be gone she would still be his girl and not Harry's. (On the side a pik of him while seeing Jenna kiss Aaron and telling him she missed him).

When he finally decided to get back out of the bathroom Aaron was in his bed and Jenna had joined  the boys in a game of Fifa and she was killing it.

They all went to sleep after that and the three in the morning Aaron drove off with Carl to the airport and at four he was off back to Cheshire.



.A Change of Heart.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant