"Grumpy" Nick says jumping off the trampoline running back inside.

"Holy shit? What's going on?" I hear Louis say, who is apparently also here.

"Do you guys know where the other ones are?" I ask.

"Nope" Niall says smiling to Zayn.

"What's the problem Niall?" Zayn asks.

"Nothing" Niall says while his smile gets bigger.

Alright I have no idea what this is about, but just let it stop.

"Zayn can you stop do that?" I ask him when he's tickling me in my neck.

"I’m just imagining you with a tattoo" he says.

"Stop it"

"It's really entertaining"

"You know what's entertaining? When I cut your eyes, tongue, ears and nipples off and make soup of it"

"That's not nice"

"I don't care, now stop it"

"Sorry" he says stopping with the tickling.

"Good boy" I say closing my eyes again.

After a while we decided to get up to see if there is anyone else in the house, besides us and little Nick.

"Hello?" I say walking into the house.

"Good morning, party animals" my mum says while she's cleaning a bit.

"Hey mum" Casper says.

"Are there any other people here?" I ask.

"Nope, why?" She asks.

"Just wondering" I say, “so, I'm off to bed, bye"

"Wait, there's still some stuff that’s mine in your room" Zayn says.

"Alright, be quick" I say as I’m already on my way to my room.

When we're in my room I lay down in my bed as Zayn sits next to me.

"Zayn what happened last night?" I ask.

"Wait, first. Do you like Hazz?"

"As in like-like, no, as in like-friends-like yeah"

"Alright, then this is going to be be a shock"

"Alrught, tell me"

"You and Harry kissed" Zayn says really fast.

"Wait what? How could you let me do that?"


"He's is going die"

"Cool, but Perrie came. And she hates you"

"Pfft, bitch... Sorry"

"You were really sad cause you thought she was some kind of person who was about to present you a price”

"Alright that’s weird”

"Yes it is”

I don’t know how it happened, but suddenly I feel my eyes shut. Before I know it I’m a sleep on Zayn’s chest and damn he smells good.

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