Rise and Shine

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          My eyes shot open and I abruptly sat up. After squinting and looking around, I sighed and slammed back down on my pillow. It was just a dream, Alyssa. It's always just a dream. Actually, it was always this dream. Every night I have this dream, but something new happens. This time, for some reason, I actually felt safe around the creature that chased me. I still don't know what or who it is, why it chases me… Oh well, just a lousy dream, I guess. I grabbed my glasses and slid slowly out of my bed; Time to face reality.

           It’s summer, so no school for a while. My family is away on camping and business trips and such; I decided to stay home. Most of my friends were out of town, too, so I planned on just roaming the internet until I found something else to do with my life. Home dweller, all day every day! I stood up and went over to the cluttered vanity and looked in the mirror. Nothing new; just my slightly wavy hair, glasses, tanned skin, and golden blonde-brown hair. I decided to stay in my pajamas, I looked hot enough for whoever wanted to stare in the windows. LOL.

           I went into the living room and plopped down on the futon.  It’s been a week since school let out, so I was accustomed to doing a daily routine of internet roaming, texting, sleeping, eating. I had a bag of some Japanese candies sitting on the coffee table, so I picked that up and turned on my laptop. I opened Itunes and went straight to the SGTC group on Facebook; my lovely family from all around the world. My BOTDF playlist blasted as I scrolled through the random posts from some of my favorite people. One thing you might need to know if you don’t already: we are all really comfortable with each other and will say some of the most random shituff you have ever heard. The common topic right now, it seemed, was about Slenderman.. Lolwut?

           I scrolled through the posts and pictures… There was talk about a game called “SLENDER” and some creepy legend about a tall man in a dark suit that had no face. He kinda reminded me of Jack Skellington, in a way. There were about 3 pictures, so I decided to Google him. He has wavy extra limbs and such, so that’s cool. LOL, HE IS A MEME?! I kept scrolling down, occasionally chuckling or saving a picture. One picture caught my eye for some reason; I stared at it for a good five minutes or so. Why was this so familiar?

           There wasn’t much else to do on Facebook or anything, so I closed the laptop and put in my headphones to take a nap before continuing on with my day.

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