Dreams Diary

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          I woke up in a cold sweat; I had a feeling I can't really explain. I guess it was like someone or something... Was watching me. I couldn't remember my dream, but I know I had one. Could it have been the same one again? I checked the time on my phone, 4:21. Damn, I missed it! Hah, just kidding. It's still light out, so I stretch and leave the futon and go to put some shorts on. I throw on the first thing I find, grab my ipod, and head outside. The sun is hidden behind some grey clouds; the day's eerily dark. Like black and white. I head over to the hammock that looks down the hill in my backyard into the forest. I love to sit or lay here, I can just look up or beyond, wander into my thoughts... 

           Before I am totally aware of what I am doing, I am sitting in the hammock with my old sketchbook and pencil, facing towards the forest. I forgot to tell you, but I decided that my summer project is going to be to figure out what the dreams mean, or at least make some epic drawings to hang in my room out of my doodling. I guess you could call it a dreamlog or something; whatever. So far (this summer) I have 3 dream drawings. There is a raven with no eyes; In the beginning of the dreams, the raven would take me to the forest (I followed the peculiar bird). The second little drawing is an all black tree, a very Burtonesque one at that; the forest from the dreams had many of these trees, and it seemed that the vines would curl and twist, and it was always dark. The most recent drawing, or entry, I should say, is an all black page. Literally, I just took the pencil and shaded in the whole page. I don't really know why I did that, but it just felt right. I still can't figure out what the drawings mean, but I hope they will eventually make sense. After realizing I am deep in thought about all of this, I look down. My hands moved and made an almost perfect replica of the swamp. So now we have a bird, a tree, blackness, and the swamp. What does this all even mean?!

           I throw myself backwards onto the hammock and grunt in frustration. Who is the creature, what does a bird have to do with it? Why do I even care?! I set the sketchbook on my stomach and Look at my ipod. I meant to look at the time, butI end up just staring at the lockscreen. I decided in the spirit of things, I would put my lockscreen as Slenderman; why not, right? I set my Ipod down and turn up the music. I glance down at my stomach to the sketchbook, but something peculiar catches my eye. I pick up the usually black, worn sketchbook and see a symbol that looks carved into the cover. It is a circle with an X in it. This wasn't here before. What. I sit up and stare at it, getting tiny flashes from my dreams. Wooah. I'm getting punked or something, aren't I? This can't be real, this can't mean anything. I'm just imagining things, probably dreaming again or something... I look into the forest and realize how similar it is to my dreams, and a sudden urge makes me want to go in there.

           Oh yeah, this is real.

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