Micaela and Wilson's Story

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Micaela and Wilson’s Story

“Just wait for the right time to come.”

She looked across the room to steal a glance at her number one crush. Or should he be considered the love of her life?

It’s been seven long years that Micaela Dwayne crushing on the intelligent Wilson Parker. It’s not even a secret to anyone anymore. Since third grade, the young girl fell for Wilson’s charms. They became friends and for the years that followed, they became closer every minute. Will was not like all the other guys. He is talkative yet all the things that come out of his mouth are wise words not dirty thoughts. Mica didn’t just fell in love with his brains but also for his extraordinary good looks. His dark shriveled hair suits his chiseled features. But all in all, she loves his 6’ 1 height.

Little did Mica know that her love is reciprocated. Will’s feelings for her developed during their freshmen year and on that year, they started becoming inseparable. Everywhere they go you could see them at each others’ side. They are always in the same group in every project.

The reason they aren’t together yet is that Will is not ready. Usually it’s the girl who’s not ready but in their case it’s the other way around. In the four years that Will’s been loving Mica, his love for her didn’t waver a bit. Instead, it stronger and it strengthens their friendship more.

This year is their last year in high school. The year where all craziness explodes to the maximum level. The year where secrets are sometimes revealed. The year that some students dreaded the most, especially the ones in relationships.

But neither Will nor Mica is dreading their last year in high school. Even when they’re going to separate universities, their strong bond won’t break as long as their love is still alive. Others say that long-distance relationships don’t usually work. But with the kind of strong love they have, even when they are living on different sides of the world, they can still make it. They trust each other so much even when they’re not official yet.

It’s really obvious that there is something going on between those two. Just by the way they look at each other’s eyes; you could see the look in them. But Wilson is just not ready yet.

As she took a look at her love, their eyes met and for a second the world stops. Different kinds of emotions are playing at their eyes. With just one look, they can already say a million words. A blush crept through her face as she averted her stare from him. Every day, the sparks she feels when he looks and touches her intensifies.

A few minutes after, Will came over to her table and put a finger at her chin to raise her face. He looked straight to her eyes and said the words she has waited for so long to hear.

“Micaela Dwayne, c-could you be my girlfriend?” he can’t help to stutter because he was nervous and excited at the same time.

Mica’s vision became blurry as tears started to come out. She bit her lip to control her tears but it was no use. “Mica, why are you crying?” he panicked. Did he say something wrong?

Mica shook her head, unable to speak. She doesn’t trust her mouth at that moment because she might burst into hysterical. So she just did the only thing that she thought well.

She hugged him. She hugged him very tightly, using all her strength, until she can no longer breathe.

He hugged her equally tight; very tight that to the point of cutting off their oxygen.

They finally loosen each other’s embrace when the whole classroom erupted clapping and shouting ‘woos’. They were now blushing like tomatos.

“Finally! We’ve been waiting for that to happen eons ago,” shouted Rodrick, a tall brunette guy sitting at the table. He’s the one who shouted the loudest.

Sharmaine, the girl who told Will to man up, smiled at the blushing couple. Mission accomplished., she thought.


A/N: Is the ending enough? I don’t think adding more is going to give this story a nice ending. I think that’s enough. This is just a part of my classmates’ high school love life. It happened last year. We were all plotting on making Will (not his real name) to ask Micaela (also not real) to be his girlfriend. I don’t know why he’s not ready. Boys. They are so complicated. Hahaha!

                I’m thinking of dedicating this chapter to the first person who comments below^_^.

L. O. V. E.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora