Chapter 1: Meeting Prince Charming

Start from the beginning

Though the amount of gadgets was overwhelming, there seemed to be a pattern to the madness on his desk. Items were sorted into groups by size and number of accessories. The two large computer screens in the center displayed a paused YouTube video of a Vivaldi cello concerto and a blank Google page. Three black iPhones had been picked apart and laid out before the keyboards. It looked like Mr. Morgan knew what he was doing with all that technology. I, on the other hand, couldn't even begin to guess.

A rapid ticking sounded from a drawer in a cabinet to the right of the door to what I assumed was his bedroom. If I had to guess, I'd say the drawer was filled with clocks. With a confused frown I turned to look at the one thing in the room that I had been avoiding, the boy sitting on the white sofa near the balcony doors. My heart stopped when I found him staring at me.

Any thoughts I had disappeared as our eyes met. Although he looked surprised, there was a passion in his eyes that took my breath away. It was as if a fire burned wildly behind the brown of his irises, barely contained in his gaze. It was like nothing I had ever seen before, and an embarrassing thought about wanting to get close enough to feel the heat popped into my mind before I could stop it.

The light coming from the setting sun through the window created an atmosphere that had me wonder whether I was dreaming. His beautifully regal features and soft brown hair reminded me not of Adonis, as I had expected from Muriel's gushing, but of a prince. A prince charming.

A blush rose to my cheeks at the childish thought. The reddening of my face seemed to snap Mr. Morgan out of his surprise.

"You're not Muriel," he said as he blew out a rushed breath. His eyes widened again and he shook his head. "No, I mean, I haven't seen you before."

"I-I'm," I started, but I couldn't form a coherent thought under his burning stare. Oh great, I sounded like an idiot. My hand tried to rise to press against my lips, but the rattling of the dishes reminded me that I was still holding the tray. "I brought tea!"

At my eloquent squeak, the fire in his eyes changed and took on a lighter, more playful tone. He seemed to relax. Mr. Morgan chuckled softly and nodded his head.

"Yes, you did. Please allow me to help you," he said and rose to meet me. I looked away, his nearing eyes becoming too much.

The sound of the tea set trembling echoed loudly through the room until he took the tray away from me. A voice somewhere in the back of my mind told me that, as the maid, this role reversal was not something I should have allowed, but I was still not in complete control of my faculties.

Mr. Morgan placed the tray on the coffee table, before he turned around to face me again. He gave me a shy grin. "As I was trying to say before, I don't think we've met. I am Victor Morgan, it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Morgan," I said, relieved to hear that my voice didn't sound as high as before. I lifted a hand to my mouth and pressed my lower lip to my teeth. Now that he had taken the tray, I had no idea what to do. Was I supposed to curtsy and leave? I should probably empty the tray and take it back, right?

"Call me Victor, there's no need for the formalities, Miss..." he said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. My blush deepened at the realization that I hadn't introduced myself. I looked down at my shoes and lowered my shaking hand away from my lips.

"Sang- Sang Sorenson. I just started working here last week." I felt him step closer and saw a hand appear in front of me. I looked up in surprise. Mr. Morgan had a kind smile on his face as he waited for me to shake his hand. Hoping desperately that my hand wasn't sweaty, or shaking too hard, I slowly placed mine in his. His warm hand was much larger than mine. Long fingers wrapped around mine gently and his other hand came up to double his hold.

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