"I'm not anything! This is all a big mistake!" I shout back defending myself. I'm just a human. I don't grow in unimaginable places or pointy ears. I don't scream when someone dies. I most certainly do not paralyze people with a swipe of a claw. I. Am. Normal.

"What's all this commotion?" Deaton asks as he walks in carrying a duffel bag and walks straight to Brett and bends down in front of him. Immediately he drags out the tools he is going to need.

"Belle is on the death pool!" Scott shouts, Deaton looks up at me. He nods his head before turning his attention back to Brett.


It has about half'n'hour since Deaton started to operate on Brett. I was sitting on the chouch across the room facing Brett with my head in my hands.

"Belle?" Deaton's voice awakens me from my thoughts. I look up and hum in response. "Truth is I have always had a sneaky suspicion of you."

"What?" I ask in complete and total surprise. Everybody looks at Deaton in surprise.

"You have certain traits that set you away from normal teenage girls. I have been researching your family history and there are actually a few creatures in your family tree. For one, your brother Ben was a werewolf. Your sister is a Amazon which is a woman of war. Your great Grandmother was a Siren and your Grandma was a Vampire and your Aunty Jo was a Nymph." My eyes widen and I almost choke on my own spit.

"But you have caused a lot of trouble for me, I've been researching and researching young girls like you. I have worked out that you are a Amazon like your sister and a Siren like your Great Grandmother." I feel a numb. What are you suppose to feel when you find out you are a supernatural creature?

"What are those creatures?" Malia asks sitting down quietly.

"A siren is a mermaid that attracts men by talking or singing or simply batting your eyelids. A Amazon like I said before is a woman of war, they are great fighters and very skillful and are guided by a queen. But these powers can only work from the moment you turn sixteen, when do you turn sixteen?" Deatons asks me, I swallow hard.

"In two days." Deaton nods his head and stay silent.

"Who's the queen?" Stiles asks.

"I have been in contact with her, she would like to tell you herself the day you turn sixteen" Deaton answers Stiles question. Does that mean I have to move away? I finally am starting to enjoy life, I am not moving away. "Also, you react to full moons. You become very seductive and aggressive on full moons." My heart drops. I don't want to be this. I want to be normal. I don't want to be a seductive warrior who can make boys drop their pants with a simple blink.

"Okay." Stiles walks over to me and grabs my hand. I shake my head and yank me hand out of his grip. Before I knew it I had ran out of the house with people shouting my name. I made my way to the park and sat on the swing.

"Screw this" I mumble under my breath. To think I actually thought I could be normal now that I live with stiles. This isn't fair. I have been to hell and back and now I'm some crazy monster who enjoys fighting?

"Malia told me I'd find you out here" I hear Brett's voice. He walks into me view and sits in the swing next to me. "What's up?"

"I don't know Brett, maybe it is just the fact that my brother who was 6 when he died was a werewolf and probably was the reason why he's dead, my sister who abandoned me is a Amazon who enjoys killing people and I'm a siren and a Amazon! Don't forget that I am not even living with my own family anymore because they hate me. This all sucks!" I shout throwing my hands up in the air. "Life sucks Brett!" I turn towards him and he is staring at the ground.

"Family isn't blood, it's those who were there for everything and never left your side." Brett looks up to me. "I don't live with my blood family, I don't have one."


"Don't be, I didn't really know them" Brett states standing up in front of me. "My point is, is that you have people here who are going to help you get through this, I'm one of them" I avert my eyes up to Brett and smile slightly.

"Thank you" I say in almost a whisper. He grabs onto my hand and pulls me up so I'm standing in front of him.

"I have a question to ask you..." Brett trails off looking anywhere but at me.

"Which is?"

"My schools is having prom and I was wondering if you'd go with me" he says really fast. I smile and let out a giggle.

"Brett Talbot can't find anyone to take to his prom besides the crazy girl who calls him names?" Brett looks up with a silly grin on his face.

"No I want to take you" he suddenly says. I blush and look down. Brett Talbot wants to take me to his prom? I think I might be dreaming.

"I'll go with you."

I'm thinking of calling their ship name brelle?

Bad Habit - Brett TalbotWhere stories live. Discover now