Chapter 3

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The evil Google+ lurked in the shadows. He realized he was never going to get back his ruby URL with Dan alive so he snuck up with his cheerleaders and had them start chanting
In hopes of Dan responding energetically with
"WILDCATS" and dropping the ruby URL.
The evil Google+ tried and tried but no matter how hard they tried the ruby URL didn't fall.
The 4 kept walking as they needed to meet the wizard of crabs.
They wandered into a forest of aesthetically pleasing black roses. Dan looked at the flowers with joy which caused the flowers to spray sleeping gas on Dan which knocked him right out.
Carrie started to yawn as well.
"Carrie! I know it's way past your bedtime but please stay awake!!!" Cried Phil.
Carrie fell asleep into the aesthetically pleasing flowers.
"Wake up!" Phil cried.
After Phil tried and tried they finally awoke. The evil Google+'s plan didn't work.

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