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I reclined my seat till it was comfortable. Looking out the window, I could see Jacob and Gabriel saying their goodbyes to each other. I felt kind of jealous because Eve wasn't with me. I was gonna really miss her.

The driver started the bus. I couldn't wait to get moving. I still feared that Antonio might catch up with us and take me back to the mansion. At least I knew Paulo and his unbelievable tracking skills weren't a threat. I wondered though, how Jacob had managed to overpower Paulo.

Paulo had mysteriously appeared behind me just after we took out his dog. The look on Jacob's face at that moment had alerted me of the danger that stood behind me and I quickly ran to his side. Jacob had ordered me to run following the dust road that led to the main road as he remained to battle Paulo. Of course I'd been reluctant but it was no time for argument.

After I'd ran for a good fifteen minutes, a truck had come up behind me. I dived into a bush as I realised it was Paulo's truck. A million thoughts had flooded my mind all at once and tears began to roll down my face. Paulo had probably taken out Jacob and was now searching for me.

I had heard Jacob call out from the truck and I guessed Paulo was using him as bait. I decided to give up the whole escape thing and surrender only to find Jacob sitted in the driver's seat with no sign of Paulo. At that moment I felt shocked rather than relieved.
And that's how we had managed to get to the bus station in time. I just hoped Jacob hadn't done anything he'd live to regret, like murder the bustard. I had asked him what he'd done but he simply ignored my question which made me all the more worried.

The driver hooted his horn signaling it was time to leave and everyone entered the bus and took their seats. I watched Jacob as he took his seat next to me. He looked so tense. He placed some beverages he'd bought us in the small compartment in front of my seat and sighed heavily.

"Fasten your safety belt. We're about to take off." I joked.

He chuckled. "After what we've been through, I don't think we need safety belts to be safe" he replied.

I wanted to ask him what happened again, but instead I just placed my hand on his and said to him, "I love you."

He smiled kindly at me. But that was all. He didn't say he loved me too. I wondered if he knew how much that hurt me. I stared at him waiting for more, but it was obvious he thought his kind smile was enough.

I quickly turned away not wanting him to see the pain on my face. I had done everything out of my love for him. And all I wanted was for him to love me back. I knew he had mentioned he did before, but I wasn't convinced back then. And now I wasn't convinced at all.

My heart ached and my eyes grew wet. I looked out the window as the bus began to move. Is this what I was leaving Freywood for? More heartache and misery. I shut my eyes and tried to be strong. I knew it would be awkward if Jacob saw me cry just then.

I wished Eve was with me; I already missed her dearly.


Francis City. A beautiful city with beautiful people. And the snow made it all the more beautiful. Yes; though the freckles of snow were very tiny, it was snowing.

As we walked through the streets, I envied the couples cuddling together for warmth. The city was perfect for romance. And yet the closest I had to romance was my hand in Jacob's, which he probably was holding just so that I didn't get lost.

I had never had the chance to explore Francis City and it's beauty, for when I was here, I spent all my time locked up in Antonio's mansion. I now understood how much Antonio had sacrificed when he returned with me to Freywood so I may be happy. And now I'd thanked him by running away without even leaving a goodbye note.

Francis City was simply perfect. I was slowly falling in love with it and when Jacob announced he had found a lodge where we could spend the night, I was disappointed. But for the cold, I'd have wanted to spend the entire night touring the city.

Jacob ordered some tea us soon as we'd settled in, to warm us up. The room was a bit small but we had to make do with it as it was the most affordable we'd found. At least the bathroom was adequate.

As soon as Jacob had finished his tea, he fell asleep on the couch. I covered him up before heading to the bathroom to take a warm bath.

As I soaked in the warm bath water, I went over everything that had happened. I thought about Antonio and how unfair I'd been to him. I thought about my mother and if she had played any role in my marriage to Antonio. I thought about Jacob and his feelings for me. I thought about Eve and how much I already missed her and her advice.

The bottom line is I felt regretful. And the one thing I needed to get rid of this feeling, I didn't have. I didn't have Jacob's love. I cried myself to sleep...



I woke up with a terrible pain in my neck. I had slept badly. Looking outside, I could see it was still quite dark. The clock read 6:12am.

I went over to check on Sarah, she was still fast asleep. She looked so peaceful and I didn't really wanna wake her. But I knew I had to, as we had to get further away from Antonio. However, I hesitated once again when I saw the tear marks on her cheeks. She had cried?

I remembered the incident in the bus when she told me she loved me, then turned away sharply when I smiled at her. Was she upset cause she thought I didn't love her or something? I brushed the thought away not wanting to dwell on it at the moment.

"Sarah. Sarah? Wake up" I called.

"Yes?" she replied sleepily.

"Sarah, open your eyes. Come on, you have to get ready so that we can go."

"Go where?" she asked, her eyes still shut.

"Sarah..." I said getting impatient, "we have to get as far as possible from Antonio, remember?"

She finally opened her eyes and sat up slowly,"Jacob, I wanna stay here; in Francis city. It's so beautiful, I love it here."

"But you haven't even been here a day. And you know it's too dangerous, what if Antonio finds us?"

"What if he does?" she asked. She was now fully awake.

"Sarah!" I exclaimed getting really impatient.

"If Antonio finds us, so be it" she continued. "Jacob, aren't you the one who told me that if you run, you'll always be running. So let's stay and face whatever challenges will come our way."

That did it; for the first time since we were reunited I raised my voice at Sarah: "Sarah this is different! Listen, if you aren't coming I might as well leave you here! I'm better off without you anyway" I said without thinking.

She looked at me in shock and pain. She ran to the bathroom and locked herself in. I followed her and sat at the door. I tried to think of something to say but I said nothing. I knew she wouldn't listen to me at that moment. And I also knew it would take a miracle to get her out of the bathroom. So my traveling plans for the day were as good as cancelled....

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