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I still couldn't believe my boss, Antonio, had actually hit me. It had been three days since the incident but it was fresh in my mind like it had just happened. Did he really think I wanted to take his wife from him? Not that he deserved her anyway. And even if I did, it gave him no right to hit me like that.

I touched the part of my jaw that his knuckles had kissed. It still hurt a bit. On seeing my swollen jaw, my mother had sworn that the next time I returned home with a bruise or cut, or injury of any sort claiming that I had tripped and fallen in the woods, she'd start accompanying me on my walks.

She was very clever. And from the first time I had lied to her, she knew I was lying. So she soon found out about the whole soccer team scandal; about the fake coach, and the fake injury. I took advantage and told her that this was my big secret. That I didn't really like soccer and Dad was forcing it upon me, which was the biggest lie I had told yet. But she bought this one, and consoled me, promising my dad would hear nothing of it. What a great mum I had!

Speaking of great mum's; it was career day at school. I listened as Gabriel's mother concluded her speech. She was a successful business woman with very strict principles about child raising. She told us that nothing in this world came easy, this is why she made Gabriel work for his pocket money. She had been widowed three years back and had chosen to stay single. Gabriel was her only child. She loved him very much and had brought him up as a decent, honest hard working young man.... and so she thought...

We all clapped as she left the classroom. I looked over at Gabriel and winked, he just rolled his eyes and we chuckled to ourselves.

"Next is... Jacob Stewart" Miss Helena, our class teacher called. "Jacob, where is your parent?"

Oh no! I had totally forgotten! Yeah right. Mum was too busy to come to career day and I didn't tell my dad about it because I feared if he came to school he might find out about the whole soccer team scandal. He wasn't dumb you know. "Um, my parents couldn't make it madam; they're out of town" I lied as calmly as I could manage.

She looked at me, suspicion in her eyes then said; "Very well. Harriet, is your father...."

She was interrupted by a man at the door, "excuse me. I believe it's my turn" he said.

"Um, sorry. You are...?"

"I'm Jacob Stewart's father" he declared. I felt dizzy all of a sudden. I knew already from his voice it was definitely him but I just took a look to make sure. He saw me and looked back, I could see the disappointment in his eyes. I buried my head in the desk and sighed. I was busted.

"Mr. Stewart, I thought you were out of..." miss Harriet went.

"Out of town? Yes. Actually I've just got back this morning" my dad explained.

I shot up like lightening and looked over at my dad. He smiled deviously at me and I couldn't help but giggle. 'Thanks dad' I made with my lips and he nodded.

"Well Mr.Stewart; please go ahead" miss Harriet gave the go ahead and my dad fully entered the class room and positioned himself in front to deliver a career day speech. I listened attentively; not because he was my father and I wanted to please him, but because he actually gave a really good speech.

He talked about the principles of sports, and related them to real life. He inspired everybody in his speech, even miss Harriet. He told us how it's never too late to live your dreams and how he still hopes one day, to coach an English soccer team. He also kept us laughing with his hilarious relations of soccer rules to premature sex and unwanted pregnancy; he referred to getting pregnant despite using a condom as an own goal. This one really cracked me up.

At the end of the day, we all felt inspired. But I also felt regretful, for not telling him about career day. After his speech he caught up with my real soccer coach and they talked a great deal. I had a chance to stop him but I didn't; I was already busted anyway.

My dad won career of the day because his speech was hands down the best of the day. We clapped as he received his small gift. I was so proud of him and I wished one day I could offer him the same pride. I caught up with him as he was leaving school and spoke to him.

"Dad, I'm sorry; for everything." I said genuinely.

He smiled then sighed, "son, couldn't you just tell me you didn't like soccer?" he asked.

"Dad, I love soccer. But those walks I have in the evenings mean a lot to me." I explained.

He looked at me thoughtfully then said, "I see. Don't worry; we'll work something out. Go on back to class for now."

I smiled and turned back to class. What great parents I had!

Later I discovered it was my coach who had told my dad about career day. I also learned that he and my dad had known what was going on all along. He had found out when the players had been so sloppy at training the night after the party and they'd figured everything out with my dad. I was just glad I didn't have to lie anymore.


When Sarah had first explained to me how her father had married her off for half a million dollars, my immediate impulse had been to escape and run away with her. But when I saw that she was happy at the mansion and Antonio wasn't such a bad guy, I let the idea go. But when he hit me, all that changed.

I had begun seriously planning an escape with Sarah. Gabriel helped me out on this. We knew we needed money and we had collectively come up with five thousand dollars. Most of this we had raised from a yard sale we'd held over the weekend, where we got rid of our useless stuff, and not so useless stuff like my BMX mountain bike.

Sarah had done some good saving of her own and now she had a total of seven thousand dollars. Our plan was slowly hatching into a reality.

I crossed the bridge wondering what I was gonna say to Antonio. I had missed work for two days, Sunday and Monday. Would I apologise? Hell no! If there was anyone that needed to be sorry, it was him. I walked through the gate and he was the first person I saw. He noticed me and literally ran up to me.

"Sorry about the other day with your wife sir, and sorry I missed work for the last...." I began to say but he interrupted me.

"No, I'm sorry. Sorry that I misjudged you and sorry that I hit you. I just got carried away" he apologised. "Here, take this" he said handing me some money.

I felt insulted. Did he think he could just buy forgiveness. I counted it, ten thousand dollars. Much as I wanted to throw it in his face and shout 'I don't need your money', I didn't. Because I knew I did need the money. "What is this for?" I asked resisting the urge to swing my folded fist at his nose.

"That's your salary Jacob. And it's also an apology present" he said. I was just about to open my mouth in protest when Adam arrived. A mixture of alarm and recognition showed on his face.

"Antonio may I speak to you alone" he said pulling Antonio away.

I needed nobody to tell me what Adam was gonna tell Antonio. I knew what I had to do, and I knew I had to do it fast...

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