Chapter 2- The Bastard Wants a Bedtime Story

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Hey guuys, second chappy. The story is starting off kind of slow, but that is because I don't want too much of their backstories to come out before things really start happening, so bear with me. Again, please comment and vote if you like the story, I'm a new author so I would really appreciate it.

Kisses, Kyla


"Sorry girl, I don't think I can get it." I told Giselle. Giselle is my six year old cousin, and guess what, is a demon in disguise. She has been forcing me to play this stupid crane machine game for the last twenty minutes; now I am broke and extremely frustrated.

"But, but... I want it. One more time?" she pleaded back, looking up at me with those deceiving big brown puppy dog eyes. I look back at the elephant toy she was begging me to win. I swear, it's taunting me with those stupid, beady, black, glass eyes. Oh, if it wanted a fight, it was going to get one.

I sighed, digging through my purse, trying to find another dollar. A-ha. My last dollar, crumpled and sad looking, dammit, I was saving this dollar for a taco later. "Okay girl, one last time." I told her. After I inserted the dollar into the devil itself, Giselle put her hand on the lever thing and I put mine over hers to guide her.

We started to move it towards the elephant, trying to align it perfectly; right over its big stupid head. I was sweating with anxiety; I hate these things. "Right here?" I asked Giselle. She nodded quickly and pressed the small red button that lowered the claw. Come on, come on, I pleaded silently in my head. Praying to the crane machine gods, if there were any.

The crane clasped around the elephants grey head and started to pull it up. As it went, it lost more and more of it. When it finally pulled all the way back up, it was now just holding on to the elephant by its ear. "You have to be kidding me." I said out loud.

Giselle started to bounce with nervousness and excitement. Slowly, the crane then started to move towards the drop box. I swear, if we do not get this elephant I will climb in there and get it myself. Right before it made it to above the box thing, the crane lost the ear fully and it fell. "Nooooo!" I screamed.

At the exact moment I made the risky decision to smash open the machine and grab it, the stupid fucking elephant bounced off a giant monkey in a banana and went straight into the drop box. I quickly gave thanks to the crane gods and watched as Giselle quickly opened it up and pulled the animal out.

I looked up and realized a lot of people in the Denny's were now watching us, seeing if we could finally get the toy after twenty minutes of trying. "Shows over, we got it." I said laughing. Giselle took a bow and everyone started clapping. Okay, that is enough embarrassment for one day, I thought. Damn all the six year-old's everywhere for being cute and manipulating their older cousins into wasting thirty dollars on an elephant in a crane machine that I could have bought for five dollars at the mall. Ugh. I grabbed Giselle's hand and we started to walk back to the table where our family was sat.

Giselle had the elephant's head leaning over her shoulder and staring up at me. I felt like it's eyes were piercing my flippin' soul, what a creep. Wink. What the actual fuck? Stuffed animals have eyelids!?


"Hurry up on that fire Saskia, we have to get going again before its dark." I told her.

"I'm going, God, I haven't exactly mastered the whole rubbing two sticks together thing yet." she grumbled back.

"That just kind of makes you sound stupid." Macon told her, laughing.

The unicorn I nailed to ground was about ten feet away, we didn't want to sit too close to it and risk something happening. It was standing completely still, its butt to us, and staring straight ahead. "Guh, could those things try to be anymore creepy?" I asked sarcastically.

"Just don't look at it, Macon and I can take care of this one." Saskia told me. No, I want to see what its problem is, I thought. I started to walk towards it, stopping about five feet away. I was now staring at its profile, and it was officially creeping me out, why can't I look away though? Well, if it is going to waste our time, I'll waste its', I thought.

"Hello," I sang to it, "rise and shine bitch. You cold? Because we got a nice fire cooking over there." I told it, jabbing my thumb to where Saskia was working on one. The unicorn slowly turned its head to look at me, not moving anything else an inch. "You know, now that I think about it, I am kinda in the mood for some smoked unicorn, what about you?" I asked.

"" It said to me in a deep, slow man voice. Similar to Morgan Freeman's actually. Oh. My. God.

I started laughing...hard. I mean rolling around the ground and getting zero air type of laughing. It more could have been described as silently choking to death. It was probably after a good minute of laughing and three to calm down, that I was now sitting across from it and looking directly into its beady little eyes; I gave it the middle finger and stood up, still giggling to myself.

"Oh man, I thought you were going to be some high pitched annoying as fuck girl pony, but oh, hot dog, I was wrong. Shit man, must suck to be you... burn in hell." I said to it. I started walking back over to Macon and Saskia.

There was now a small fire going, being contained by a circle of rocks. Still giggling, I said to them,"Hey guys, I think Mr. Macho Pink Hair over there wants a bedtime story before he's burned alive." The girls looked up and we all started laughing. I was about to start telling it about how it was going to die a slow painful death, when...

"Once upon a time, this world turned to shit." said a voice, coming from the woods behind us. Crap on a cracker.

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