'What?' Dean asked. 'Why the hell for?' He popped a soda can and slurped from it to begin with. It sent ugly shivers down my spine at the thought of it.

'I feel a bit queasy, think it's time for the you know who to make a visit. .' I lied clutching my stomach as I stood up.

'Well we don't have to be at the arena till three, I just got a text from Trips. We can spend the day with you, make you feel better?' Rome suggested patting my head with a childish grin as he towered above me before walking off to the bathroom.

'We can get you the shit you need, like the hot water bottles and aspirin' Dean smiled leaning down to place a soft kiss on my lips, I pulled away soon after not wanting anything to take place in front of Seth.

'Seth, get your coat. . we're off to the nearest Walmart.' Dean placed down the soda on the small table and picked his leather jacket up from the back of the chair. Seth however, groaned at his request.

'But it's nasty outside! It's lashing rain!' He whined gesturing to the window full of gray clouds. 'Can't you take Roman?'

Dean chuckled opening the door to our hotel room. 'No, Roman is calling his family in a bit. Besides, your hair is turning more black, you need more blonde dye.'

Seth stood without another word, despite the groan. He picked up his coat and stood from the sofa, he brushed my shoulder as he passed to leave. I caught him mouthing words; 'You owe me big time. You're not sick, it's your birthday.'

I winked and before I knew it they'd left, I headed back off towards my room whilst Roman was clearly in the shower at the sound of running water.

Dean Ambrose•

'Now which ones do we get, there's like four hundred different ones man!' I sighed pointing to the seemingly never ending shelf of pain relievers.

'Just get any, they're all going to do the same thing,' Seth picked up a white box, it said paracetamol and I shook my head.

'You can't just pick any, this is Logan we're talking about.' I reminded snatching the small package from his hands as I tossed it back on the shelf. 'We need the best ones, I hear that the whole woman thing is painful.'

'Well just get the ones that you use when you're in pain' Seth tried to point out the obvious as I picked up a blue packet, why I was doing this at twelve in the afternoon I'm not sure.

'Fuck it. We'll get these. . something's better than nothing when she's bleeding from her womanhood like a leaking faucet right?' I asked walking off towards the check out with a hot water bottle in my free arm.

I heard a gag and looked behind to find Seth. 'Jesus, you couldn't be a little less graphic next time?'

I apologised quietly placing the items on the conveyer belt as Seth glanced at his phone. 'You do realise you're whipped right?'

I frowned. 'What do you mean?'

Obviously I knew what he was implying but how I was supposedly wrapped around Logan's finger for getting her some essentials when she's in pain I'm not sure. I'm just trying to prove myself to her, make us work finally.

'She's not on her period Dean.' He said nonchalantly as the employee scanned the items and I placed them in a bag, Seth stood there not helping as usual.

'Thanks.' Seth thanked the worker as I walked away, paying for the items we left out of the Walmart and as we walked back to the rental I waited for my moment to ask him exactly what the fuck he was talking about.

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