Chapter 5

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I bounce down the stairs for dinner and slide into my usual spot.

"I can just have Brooke help me," my mom says to my dad as I fill my plate with potatoes.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask, realizing she volunteered me for something I had no clue about.

"For the street party. You wouldn't mind helping us, right?"

I turn to Joshua who shrugs and looks back down at his plate.

"What street party? Can someone explain to me what a street party is?" my fork pierces a slice of potato and I twirl it in the air, chewing the one already in my mouth.

"Didn't anybody tell you?" Oh yes, because everyone just loves to tell me what is going on. It's not like I'm always the last to know about things or anything.

"You remember Joey, right?"

I nod.

Of course I remember Joey. He's about my age and is a total brat. When we were really small, he tried pouring glue in my hair because he thought it would work like hair gel. Let's just say I was not happy having to sit with my hair soaking for hours.

"His father is having the whole street get together and we're all going to contribute different things. Food, activities, little jobs. Stacey and I are on for desserts."

I laugh louder than intended and the whole table stares at me, "You can't be serious? A street party? That is literally the stupidest thing I have ever heard."

My dad gives me a glare and I know to settle down, "I mean. I'm sure it'll be fun..." I force a smile and my mom claps her hands together, "I'm so excited! I got these new recipes and I think Stacey would love to try them!"

A street party... what a great idea...

The next morning is a struggle to get up and get ready, as always.

Honk honk!

"Coming..." I groan to myself, swinging open the front door.


"This girl... I said I'm coming!" I run out, holding my shoes in my hand and see Ellie waving from inside her car.

I swing open the door to the passenger side and slide in, "What did I say about honking?"

"That it wakes up the neighbors?" she questions as if she doesn't already know the answer.

"Exactly, so why do you insist on honking it anyways?"

She grins and honks it once more, "Because sometimes I like to be annoying."

"Just- drive."

"Fine, fine," she says, pulling out of the driveway slowly, "So did you hear about this street party?"

"Mhm and I think it's absolutely stupid."

"Same. Exactly why I'm going to sleep at Tiff's house."

I hang my head to the side and roll my neck weightlessly towards her, giving her a 'you're kidding' look, "You're ditching me for Tiffany?"

She runs her hand along the steering wheel and stops at the stop sign, "Yes. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you came too?"

I stare at her and she continues driving straight, "I wouldn't say I'm ditching you exactly, I just really don't want to be part of this party." She lowers her brows and gives a slight pout, "You wouldn't want me sad, now would you?"

"Yes, I would. Isn't you who always said if we die, we die like men?"

She lets out a dramatic sigh and honks at the car in front of us, "Usually I'd be all up for dying like men, but I would rather die at Tiffany's than at a street party."

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