Chapter 4

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Finally, Monday is out of the way. I shut my locker, just about ready to dart out when a familiar voice calls me out, "Brooklyn!"

My stomach turns at the voice and I dart my eyes around quickly, looking for the closest exit.

"Brooklyn, wait up!"

Jaxon catches up to me and I realize there's no way I'm getting out of this.

"I really can't miss the bus again," I say, trying to get out of whatever he's going to say next.

"Wait, I- I have a surprise."

I blink, unimpressed and he rubs the back of his neck nervously, "I know I came off as sort of a dick, but I just want to say I'm sorry, and I'm pretty sure I can change your mind about me being an asshole."

I raise any eyebrow, now curious, "Hm, two insults to yourself in one sentence... I'm hooked, go on."

He grins like a child and grabs my wrist, not knowing if he should hold my hand or not.

We walk down streets I recognize, which is surprising, considering I lived here way longer.

Suddenly, I follow him down a street I'm not so sure about.

"Jaxon, where exactly are you taking me?" His grip on my wrist loosens and he pushes his way through a forest like area.

I cautiously follow, pretty convinced that I should do what my dad said and follow my gut feeling, which right now is to run.

"If this is the part where you plan to kill me and bury my body in the dirt, jokes on you, this was what I wanted anyways." I say, trudging along side him.

He exhales through his nose, giving somewhat of a snicker, "If I wanted to kill you, trust me, I would've already done it."

He stops at a fence and proceeds to toss his backpack over. "That's what someone who would want to murder you would say," I whisper, giving a 'duh' expression.

"Shut up and give me your bag," he chuckles.

Incautiously, I slip my bag off and hand it to him, "I'm just saying. I mean, do you or do you not agree. If you wanted to murder me-"

He throws my bag over the fence and my jaw drops, "Wow, okay, now you're getting rid of all evidence. You could have at least taken out the books and left the bag. It lasted me three years you know."

He starts climbing over the fence and sits at the top, "Are you coming or not?"

I sigh dramatically and look around, "Well, considering I have no idea where I am and you took my bag, which by the way, happens to contain books that are somehow going to get me through life, I guess I have no choice but to follow."

He hops off to the other side and I examine the fence, trying my best to climb it.

"You all good?" he calls from the other side.

I pull myself to the top and see him smiling from below, "How about you stop your smiling and help me." I sass, nervous about hopping down.

"Alright, alright."

I spin my body and feel around for somewhere to place my foot. "Not there-" Before I can comprehend what's happening, my foot doesn't exactly end up where I want it to and I hang from the fence.

"Just drop, I got you." I hear him call.

I clutch onto the fence, "No."

"Fine then, I guess you're going to be hanging there forever."

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