Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

As always, morning came far too early for my tastes. But at least this morning, I awoke in a bed at my own pleasure. For the first time in weeks, I actually awoke well-rested. The ache in my limbs had died to a dull throb and the migraine that once pounded in my head had dissipated. I rolled out of bed and stretched every muscle, letting out a contended sigh.

Windhelm was perhaps a week's journey from here, if we were unlucky. But with my luck over these past few weeks, it would be months before we saw the gates of the city.

Out the window, I spotted the first rays of the morning sun painting the sky with its pastel hues of pink and lavender. Sunrises were always so soft and beautiful, while sunsets were its contrast, bright and vibrant, but still beautiful, until the sun sank below the horizon.

I quickly gathered up what meager items I still had left with me. The Nightingale armor I had was still too much to wear in the city. I carefully packed it in my bag, beneath the rest of my linens and pelts. I threw the bag on and slipped my Daedric dagger inconspicuously into my waistband where I felt its comforting cool touch.

I had lost the plate armor to the Khajiit and never bothered to reclaim it once they were dead. I mentally kicked myself for leaving all those goods there to be claimed by whoever just passed by. Perhaps I could buy a bow and a new sword from the city blacksmith. There's no time to have armor adjusted to me, so I would just have to hope that I didn't need it until I was far enough out of the city to slip into my new armor.

I slipped out of my room and over to Rhythe's room across the hall. I could still feel his warm hand interlaced with mine. Though nothing more came of it, it still played through my mind in a sort of rush. I cleared my throat and knocked on Rhythe's door.

Behind the door, I heard the rustling of the bed and a light groan. "Go away," was faintly growled out.

I chuckled as I pushed the door open. Inside, I saw Rhythe sprawled out on the bed, his blanket barely covering his butt and leaving his bare back exposed. Pale scars ran along the whole of his back, down under the blanket. I had never seen them before, then again I had never seen him shirtless before.

"It's time to wake up," I said in my most cheery voice, which probably didn't sound cheery at all.

He groaned again, flipping away from me. "My head hurts."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be such a baby. We barely drank anything last night. You can nurse your hangover on the road."

I grabbed his arm and rolled him back over. He groaned again and wrapped his arm around my waist, yanking me into the bed. He wrapped his arms and leg around me, rendering my immobile. No matter how much I twisted and writhed to free myself, I was stuck.

"Stop moving, Dragontooth," he whispered sleepily in my ear. "It's sleep time."

I again tried prying his arm away from me, but to no avail. "Rhythe, no."

He tightened his already vicelike grip. "Rhythe, yes."

I sighed, slipping my hand to the bulge in my waistband. "I didn't want to have to do this, but..." I pulled out my dagger, placing its icy cold steel on his back.

Rhythe jumped out of bed, yelping. "What in Oblivion was that for?" he shouted.

I rolled out of the bed and tried to straighten out my clothes. "You wouldn't listen to me, so you got a magical cold dagger on your back. Now get dressed and meet me in the marketplace. I'm gonna buy me a bow."

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