Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Brayon left far before Rhythe and I did, so it was not a surprise when we walked outside and was only greeted by the crisp dawn air. We had both changed back into our previous, much less conspicuous, attire.

We began the walk to Riften in silence, only the sound of crunching leaves to converse with. It didn't take magic to see that he was still upset with me, but my mind was at a blank for what I could say. So I just kept my mouth shut, probably the first time in my life.

The first of the sun's rays were just beginning to creep over the horizon as the walls of Riften came into view. I could see the guard towers standing vigilant with the city's standards hanging from the tops-the crossed swords of the Rift emblazoned on them.

This was my first time returning to Riften in so many years, I had lost count. My last visit ended poorly, hindering any desire to return. Unfortunately, I was exhausted and this was the closest inn with food and a proper bed. I hadn't slept in a proper bed since I left Whiterun, or rather was kidnapped from Whiterun. "Bloody cats," I grumbled.

"What was that?" Rhythe snapped.

"Hmm?" I looked up only to see his cold glare situated right on me. "Oh, nothing." I cleared my throat. "My father has a house here," I said, trying to quickly change the subject. "But Thalmor spies are probably watching it. Our best bet is to just grab a bed at the Bee and Barb and leave sometime tonight."


His pace picked up and he shot ahead of me, seemingly trying to outdistance himself from me now that he knew where we were going. I sighed. This was going to be a fun trip.

I caught up with him at the gates. He stood cross-armed with his usual frown, apparently waiting for me to catch up. Please excuse my exhaustion, I wanted to yell at him. It's not like I hadn't been kidnapped more times than I could count over the past few weeks. Gods, I was tired.

"It's about time you got here," he said as the guards opened the gates.

"I will stab you."

"Then you will lose the gift of my company."

"I'll risk it," I snapped as I took the lead, making a beeline to the Bee and Barb. The market stalls were just beginning to be set up. I spotted the city's blacksmith readying his smithy as his apprentice threw ore into the smelter. Beside the door of the inn, the food vendor arranged her goods neatly on her carts to look more appealing to potential buyers. I just zipped right past all of that, not giving them a single chance to try to draw me in.

As we entered the inn, the warm, smoky aroma hit us, brushing my hair back as I entered. It was mostly empty, save for the few who were rising early to go to work or hit the road. At the bar, a young, Argonian woman greeted us with what I hoped was a smile. I could never tell with those non-humanoid creatures.

"Greetings, travelers," she said, in her raspy voice. "You look like you've had a long night."

"A long year," I grumbled.

She let out a short burst of hisses, Argonian chuckles I presumed. "My name is Nuruma. I work the nights, but my mother works during the day, should you be looking for me. Will you be checking-in for the day?"

I nodded. "Two rooms, if you have them. My companion snores like you wouldn't believe."

"And she's a kicker," Rhythe added.

Nuruma chuckled again. "That'll be twenty gold for two room then, friend."

I handed her the septims as I cased the place out of the corner of my eye. It looked exactly how it did the last time I was here. A few new decorations, maybe, but still the same.

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