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The day of the YouTube Fest opening arrived. Eren dressed in a black, Galaxy lettered Panic! t shirt and the same denim jacket, slipping on his usual black skinny jeans. He decided to wear shoes nicer than his converse, so he chose a pair of plain black slip ons.

He ran a bit of mousse through his hair after he had showered, got dressed, bandaged his arms, and brushed his teeth. Rubbing deodorant under his arms and spraying a bit of his favorite cologne- "Lance Corporal" it was named- he finished up and put his dirty clothes in the hamper. He made sure he looked decent; after all, he was meeting Levi for the first time.

Eren walked downstairs, running his fingers through his hair and messing it up (but in a good way). Armin and Mikasa sat at the dining room table, and thankfully, Grisha was in his office.

Eren took out his phone and sent a text to Levi.

E: On my way to YT Fest! Text me when you get there so we can meet up

Shoving his phone back in his pocket, he and the other two walked to the car. Mikasa was driving, with Eren in the passenger seat and Armin in the back.

Mikasa was a good driver. She didn't drive over the speed limit all that often, and when she did, it was only on roads like the interstate. She never drove more than 5 below the speed limit, either, unless the road was curvy or it was raining. She always came to a complete stop when needed, always used her blinker, always paid attention to the road and never texted or anything.

When they arrived, Eren hopped out of the car. He drew his phone from his pocket and texted Levi that he was there, at the main gate. Anxiousness ran through his veins, and his heart beat wildly in his chest. He felt like he was about to have a panic attack, his chest constricting and his lungs tightening with each breath.

Inhale. 1. 2. 3. 4. Pause. Exhale. 1. 2. 3. 4. Pause.

He controlled his breathing and looked around. When his phone buzzed, he nearly jumped out of his skin. His fingers trembled as he unlocked his phone and pulled up the messages.

L: I came down with the fúcking flu

L: I'm so sorry

L: I might be able to make it the last day though

Eren chewed his bottom lip. He knew this would happen. It always did in fanfiction, after all. He thought he had been safe from the fanfiction life, but no. No one was ever safe.

He let out a sigh, half relieved, half stressed. Relieved because he had more time to face Levi- stressed because of the same reason.

"What's wrong?" Armin asks, coming up behind the boy after he emerges from the car.

Eren shakes his head, putting his phone on airplane mode and pushing it back in his pocket. Disappointment inflates in him, like a balloon.

"Nothing," he says, plastering on a smile. "Let's go."


The first day of YouTube Fest is simple and easy. All Eren has to do is sit at a booth and sign things and answer questions for 5 hours. Armin and Mikasa were allowed to sit with him thankfully.

Eren was the one to drive them back, with the two complaining about his driving. "Too slow" or "Too fast" or "Don't look over there, keep your eyes on the road" and other things.

When they finally got home, Eren locked his bedroom door and flopped down on his bed. He had wanted to meet Levi so bad, and it had all been ruined by the flu.

"At least he might make it the last day," Eren said to himself, trying to shine a positive light.

His phone buzzed. Pulling it up, he discovered he had more subscribers and views. A smile tugged at his lips, and for a second, he forgot about his disappointment.

"Eren!" Mikasa's voice floated up from downstairs. "We're going out to eat. Do you want to come with us? Armin's choosing where we go."

Clicking his phone off, he replied with a quick "Sure" and walked back down.

Grisha sat at the dining table along with Armin and Mikasa. Eren raised an eyebrow. "Are we all going? If he's going, I'll stay here."

The long haired man looked up. "I am going," he said, an amused glint in his eyes.

Eren clenched his jaw and nodded stiffly, crossing his arms across his chest. "Then I'm not going. I'll stay and... watch the house."

"Faggots can't watch the house," Grisha muttered.

Eren let out an annoyed sigh and resisted the urge to grab the butter knife on the table and jab it right through the older man's glasses. He looked over at Armin. "Sorry," he apologized.

Armin gave a simple nod, a sympathetic look on his face. He didn't say anything, thankfully.

Walking back up the stairs, Eren sat on his bed and waited. He heard Armin yell "Goodbye" and the door shut.

Pulling out the matches from under his mattress, Eren realized he had forgotten the sensation of being burned.


Lmao told ya I would update todayyyy even if it's super short. Next chappie will be longer and better, I swear. And hopefully it'll come out soon.

Love yooou

~still not high or drunk she promises

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