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The car ride to the airport was awkward and quiet, other than Grisha's jabbering at Armin. The two adoptive siblings sat in the back seat, both of them staring out of the window silently.

They arrived all too soon, Eren thought. Suddenly he was tearing up and hugging Armin tightly, his arms wrapped tightly around the blonde genius and his face contorting in sadness. Armin returned the fervor, wrapping his own wiry arms around Eren's torso and sobbing into his chest.

Grisha was pushing them apart before they could even protest, standing in Eren's way and patting Armin's head. "Goodbye," he said simply, making it clear he had only done it to separate the two.

Ever since Eren had come out as gay to his father, Grisha had always done this, pushing him apart from other males and pushing him towards females. Eren had continuously explained he didn't choose to be gay, that it wasn't something to be cured or changed. He had begged him- literally gotten on his knees with his hands pressed together- for Grisha to just accept him, to stop trying to change him, to love him.

Grisha hadn't stopped, hadn't said he accepted him, and he hadn't said "I do love you son" either.

Eren knew his mother would have accepted him.

The quick flashback made anger rise in Eren's being, his blood boiling and heat spreading to his face. He knew he was turning red, that he was going into "titan" mode, as Armin had called it.

Turning away, he clenched his jaw and tightened his fists by his side.

Why, of all people, had he been cursed with a father like Grisha? Why had he-


The phone beeped as it did before, giving a slight vibrate. 

Eren quickly pulled his phone from his pocket and entered the passcode, reopening safari and YouTube.

His mouth gaped slightly.

"Humanity's Strongest commented on one of your videos."

Though it was only 8 simple words, they made Eren's heart quicken and pound against his sternum.

His thumb shakily pressed against the notif for a quick second and he waited- quite impatiently- as it loaded.

His once fast pounding heart quickly stopped.

Not only was the video the one where Eren had been talking about "the parkour guy" but the comment was something that made all of the blood in Eren's extremities change their course to his face. His face burned with the harsh blush.

Eren reread it multiple times before he finally comprehended it fully.

The comment read one word:



Sorry it was so short but I figured it'd be a good place to end it there. I'm trying to write longer chapters but recently school started back so I'm super tired. ;n;

Thank you for the love and support I've gotten, though it was only 2 comments they meant a lot to me<3 And I never would have thought I'd get so many votes and reads in such a short amount of time.

Thank you so so much

-Author person

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