Chapter 3

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*J's POV*

I quietly made my way to an empty seat in the back of classroom, doing my best to remain unnoticed. I was actually doing a great job of hiding until the teacher walked into the room and made me introduce myself. I attempted to mentally prepare what I needed to say, but my efforts did not help at all as my mind went completely blank once I reached the front of the room.

I opened my mouth to speak, and froze in place watching the guys eye me up, and the girls cackle and whisper amongst each other. I forced myself to say something at that point in time because I desperatelty needed to get away from this attention.

"Um, hi. My name is J and I just moved here from Los Angeles, California." I meekly let out.

The teacher prompted me to explain a few of my interests, and I was afraid that she would do that.

"Well, I have a deep interest in music, but I also love to read. There's nothing very unique about me." I dropped my head and made my way back to my seat, feeling the intense stares of the people silently or verbally judging me.

The rest of the class went by agonizingly slow. I didn't really learn much considering that I had already covered what we were doing back in California, but I considered that to be a good thing. Time seemed to fly by for the remainder of the day, until lunch that is.

Back in California I usually ate lunch in the bathroom because I was always too shy to make friends. Sure I had a few aquaintences, but I was never close to any of them. Lunch was so different here. Instead of being trapped in a Cafeteria, there was an outdoor area with tables and an open courtyard filled with trees. I decided to venture out into the courtyard and lie against a tree by myself. I actually enjoyed the solitude and quietness in the area, but my peace was interrupted by, whom I learned to be, Matt.

"So you're the new girl right? I bet you've heard all about me already. My name is Matt and I have a hell of a reputation here. But I wanted to inform you of a few things. Don't mess with me, and I won't mess with you. Well not too badly anyways. Many of the bitches here have always desperately tried to get with me but I usually turn them all down because I'm way too good for them. I mean look at me, I'm hot as fuck. A word of advice for you, quiet girls like you never get very far in this school because you're everybody's target. That means that you should probably try to make a name for yourself before you become the next punching bag," I looked at him like he was the most uninteresting thing in the world.

"Listen, I don't care who you are or what your status is here. I'm going to do me and I suggest you mind your own business bud. If they want to beat on me, so be it. It happened at my last school too. But I don't need an arrogant son of a bitch like you to pretend you care about me. You don't know me. I don't know you. Let's keep it that way. Oh and my name is J," I began to gather up my things so I could get away from Matt and spend the rest of lunch alone, but he grabbed my arm before I could leave and pulled me back down against the tree.

"Well, J, I never expected something like that out of a girl like you. I can assure you that I don't give a single shit about you or what you do. I was just firing a warning shot. But what you said about knowing each other, what if I want to know you? I may have a twisted mind and a fucked up perspective on life, but you're different. That girl who stood in the front of the class during Math was shy, reserved, and almost innocent. But the girl I'm talking to right now has something to hide and I feel like there's so much more to you than you're letting on, and I'd love to get to know you," he seemed generally interested in me, but I could care less.

"You don't need to know me. I don't allow anyone to become close to me, especially not assholes like you. You probably only want to fuck me anyways. So do us both a favor and forget this conversation ever happened. Oh and one last thing, we're all a little mad here," I walked away quickly, leaving him dumbfounded.

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