Chapter 18

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I felt a rush of coldness against the skin on my face, quickly traveling to my neck and chest. My eyes jolted open to realize my blue and gold t-shirt was sopping wet as well as my hair, from root to tip. I tried to lift my hands up to my eyes to wipe the water away from my foggy vision, but I couldn't move my wrists. I blinked a few times only to see large ropes securing my wrists to the arms of the chair I was sitting in. Instantly, I tried to move my legs but no budge, they too were tied to the chair. I flung my head side to side looking for signs of life in the dimly lit, non-windowed, empty, cold, dingy space.

My body jolted when I heard a chuckle behind me, "How's you're head?" I heard a voice call from the same direction.

I didn't realize the throbbing sensation in the left side of my head until he mentioned it, but it hurt so bad that I figured my blurred vision was due to this pain and not the water.

"Why?" I whispered before tears could roll down my already wet cheeks. I wasn't sure if they were because of the pain or fear, but they were flowing steadily down my face.

A warm finger pressed into the skin of my arm, slightly reducing the raised bumps that the water had given me. "You don't get to ask me questions Missy," he grumbled.

I cried harder knowing these tears were of fear, and more than anything, I just wanted Liam to hold me. "Let me go…" I mumbled.

"… Louis?"

"What?" I was unable to hear his whisper through the ring of pain throughout my head.

He slammed his fist onto back of the chair causing me to jump before he moved around to the front of the chair and screamed, "HOW DO YOU KNOW LOUIS TOMLINSON!?"

His angered tone cause me to jolt once again and more tears came rushing down my face. For some reason, something was telling me to lie, to draw it out. Then it hit me, how did he know I had even met Louis.

"Why do you think I know who that is?" I spat.

"Oh, only because as I was driving by the park, and I saw you talking to him on the bench! Now ANSWER ME!" he yelled.

"His… his sister is my friend," I stuttered. "I know Louis through his sister."

"Is that so? Did he tell you his occupation?"

His questions were beginning to confuse me. "No," I whispered.

"ARE YOU LYING TO ME?" His loud yells made me wince.

"No, I swear," I said in sobs as I shook my head left to right. "I think his sister said something about him selling computers or something, but I don't know anything else," I lied. I'm a terrible liar, but I didn't think of this as a situation where I would be lying. I was acting, and acting I was brilliant at.

"Are you sure you even know his sister, because you haven't mentioned her name?" he continued his interrogation.

"I didn't think you knew her name so I didn't use it," I pleaded. "It's Grae. Please, please let me go."

"Fine, I believe you. One more question. Do you know Andy?" His eyes burned a whole right into mine, and I knew, I could not say I didn't know Andy; he would find out.

"Yes," I began. "Louis had him at his house while I was there with Grae once," I quickly though up.

"Okay," he concluded. "listen to me. If you tell a soul what happened here. I will kill them, then you. If you think I won't find out, I will. Most people you know would come after me, because they aren't afraid of me, and that's only because they don't know my abilities. Trust me, I will kill them. And those who would call the cops, calls are traceable. If my name is so much a spoken from your lips ever again. The people who hear it will die."

I knew that I mustn't tell a soul. I knew at this point he wasn’t bluffing. He had taken me. He had tried to rape Kristina. I had no clue of what he was capable of accept for that Andrew, would follow through with this promise.

Once more I saw the wooden bat in his right fist, only this time, it had been stained with blood, mine. Then all was black.


This time, my eyes fluttered open slowly. No water was poured over top of my head, no ropes secured around my limbs, no Andrew to torment me. I was lying on the hard sidewalk of an alley, next to a fire escape and a few garbage cans. I carefully tried to push myself up, and crumpled against the brick behind me at my first attempt. The pain in my head was tremendous, and I could barely see 5 feet from my face. I sauntered out of the alley to discover I was across from the corner I had rounded only to find myself being confronted by Andrew.

I had to look both ways multiple times before I was sure it was safe to cross the street. I walked hunched over with my hands encompassing my throbbing head. I could feel the moisture of blood by my left temple, and I was almost positive that I had a concussion. I crossed the last street and pushed open the front door of the apartment complex running in to hit the elevator button. I sunk to the floor of the elevator and let it rise with me on the ground. I pitifully crawled out of the opened lift doors once it reached the 4th floor, and I weakly hit the door with my fist twice as I shut my eyes tight, trying to rid the pain.

Caitlin was at the door instantly and gasped when she saw me on the ground. "ZAYN!! Call the ambulance immediately!" I heard her scream. "Lexi," she said as she bent down and hoisted me to my feet. "Are you okay?" I didn't know I was walking until I opened my eye-lids and saw my feet making their way to the couch, with Caitlin under my arm helping me.

"I… I… tripped," I stated remembering what Andrew had told me.

"Oh my gosh your wrist!" It was then that I noticed that on my right arm only was a purplish line that made a semi-circle over the top of my wrist. It was hard to recall the memory - of me pulling extremely hard against the rope with my right arm in attempts free myself - from my brain that seemed to be focused on the excruciating pain.

"It was a bike," I mumbled the first circular object that came to mind. I couldn't explain now. I would have to devise something when I could, when I wasn't in this much pain, when I could properly think.

A few minutes later the ambulance arrived. As I rode to the hospital, Caitlin stayed at my side applying a wet rag to the wound on my head. The rest was a blur.


My eyes fluttered open, and I took in my surroundings. I glanced down at the white blanket over my body and tucked under my arms. I observed some metal looking object encompassing my right index-finger, and heard a steady beeping noise that filled the room. My eyes flickered to my other hand noticing a large white strip of tape on top of it, holding a tube in place. I followed the tube with my, once again, normal and clear gaze to a large bag filled with some transparent liquid that dangled from a metal pole. I drew in a deep breath, noticing how easy it was to fill  my lungs with oxygen. Not wanting to mess up the IV, my right hand drifted to my face and I felt a circular tube on my cheek that passed just below my nose and wrapped around my ears was the source of the oxygen entering my nose. I was hooked up to so many machines that I was afraid to move anymore than I already had. I slowly lowered my hand back to my side and directed my vision toward the door, by it a chair, and in the chair, a sleeping and mysterious male.

__________Author's Note______________

Is this what you were expecting?:) What do you think is going to happen next? Did Lexi loose her memory? Andrew's back? Wut? Please leave me comments and vote please! I hope you are enjoying the story and leave suggestions and I will try to fit them in. Again, last chance to comment you're name so that it is in the last chapter! I think that there are only going to be 2 or 3 more chapters left of Sapphire, then on to Pearl! p.s. again sorry for any typos and spelling errors, I try my best!:) -AgAu52

Sapphire *One Direction* [Liam Payne]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang