But Luke knew their kids would, they practically already were, so Luke also knew that he would one day in the future ask Ashton to marry him. He just knew that.

"I think we should only focus on the apartment hunting today" Ashton chuckled softly before walking over to Luke and wrapped his arms around the blonde. Luke smiled and wrapped his arms around Ashton's shoulders, loving the way he was visibly taller.

Ashton may be older, but Luke was taller and that made him feel very content. Ashton was very aware of that and used to roll his eyes every time he saw that satisfied smirk on his boyfriend's face.

"Are you ready to go? We have until 4 pm, then I have to meet with my other clients at 5" Ben spoke and checked the watch on his wrist, making Luke chuckle at the businessman-look he was showing off.

Luke and Jack often teased Ben about his appearance during work. The Hemmings family had never really been into any fancy stuff, they just enjoyed the regular, and when Ben decided to study real estate to become a  real estate broker, the whole family was quite amused.

Ben took all the teasing from his family with a smirk on his face, because none of his family member could make fun of the paycheck he got.

"Yeah, we're ready" Ashton said and walked over to Leon and Peach to leave a kiss on top of their heads before patting both Michael and Calum on their's.

"It feels like you are leaving your kids with the neighbor's 12 year old daughter and her friend" Ben spoke and eyed Michael and Calum up and down before chuckling slightly.

"I would feel like that too, but I don't since they don't give us any tip" Michael mumbled.

Luke laughed as he hugged his kids goodbye, wishing them a good day with Michael and Calum, before walking out to the hallway to get jacket and shoes.

"Bye, be nice" Luke said and pointed a scolding finger at his friends, making them roll their eyes before Luke closed the door.

"So, you guys need to get your apartments cleaned up and fixed a bit so we can put them out for show soon. If we find a good apartment today, it's good if everything falls to place all at once" Ben spoke as he led Luke and Ashton down to his car that was parked outside the apartment building.

"Will we get any good money for them?" Ashton asked as he sneaked his hand into Luke's and intertwined their fingers, making Luke smile.

"Yeah, well I know Luke's will get quite a lot thanks to it's central location and the balcony with the view. Ashton, yours is bigger but a bit problematic at the moment, so you'll have to be aware of slight less of value"

"That's okay, I wasn't expecting much" Ashton said and waved his hand in dismissal, making Luke chuckle fondly and tighten his grip around his boy's hand.

"Okay, so let's get going then" Ben spoke and walked over to a slick black sports car with some name Luke had no idea how to pronounce.

He desperately bit his tongue to keep himself from mocking Ben and rolling his eyes so hard they'd fall out of his head, but he just couldn't resist.

"Woah there Hollywood, you got a new ride? You sure you want me in it? I mean, I'm wearing a jacket I bought for 70 dollars way back in 2013" Luke spoke and Ben rolled his eyes as he laughed sarcastically.

"And was it during that year that you lost your humor?" Ben asked and Ashton bit his lip before laughing. Luke glared at his brother's content smile while Ashton chuckled at both of them.

"Whatever" Luke mumbled and reached for the handle of the door to the backseat since Ashton had already had called shotgun like a small child.

Luke sat down in the car and grunted when struggling the get his legs to fit in the cramped space.

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