FEARLESS (Acrostic)

445 131 70

Authors Note: A double ended acrostic poem.

Firm minded perhaps one could even say foolhardy or one oF

Exempt from fear distrust or suspicion your intent is seriously noblE

Audacious and assured you couldn't be measured other than grade A

Resolved and reliable to be sure; you are recklessly free from despaiR

Lionhearted, lively and loyal you remain unbashfully faithfuL

Earnest by both nature and deed you can always be counted on to be bravE

Steadfast stalwart of dauntless nature you're often chivalrous and courageouS

Spirited self confident and staunchly stouthearted you without doubt are tenaciouS

Thank you so much for reading my poems. It does so warm me each time I recieve a vote, a comment or message that your have shared my work.

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