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Authors Note: A Sestina Poem follows a strict pattern of the repetition of the initial six end-words of the first stanza through the remaining five six-line stanzas, culminating in a three-line envoi. The lines may be of any length, though in its initial incarnation, the sestina followed a syllabic restriction. The form is as follows, where each numeral indicates the stanza position and the letters represent end-words:







7. (envoi) ECA or ACE

The envoi, sometimes known as the tornada, must also include the remaining three end-words, BDF, in the course of the three lines so that all six recurring words appear in the final three lines. In place of a rhyme scheme, the sestina relies on end-word repetition to effect a sort of rhyme.

Let's celebrate all the great things about Melbourne.
The diverse background that created not just it's imfamous food culture.
The passion and support for all codes of football.
On the first Tuesday in November work stops to run the Melbourne Cup.
Every January the world comes to watch tennis at the Australian Open.
Consistently Melbourne is regarded the worlds most liveable city.

Victoria's capital but not yet the nations biggest city.
Population projections suggest it soon will be Melbourne.
The state and city gates have been promoted as open.
The largest population of greeks outside of Greece blends its culture.
Tea is still loved but a lot of coffee is drunk from a cup.
Melbourne even developed the Aussie Rules code of football.

Melbourne even has a grand final public holiday for it's football.
The people turn out to watch a parade through the city.
Watching past and present players and of course the premiership cup.
Streamers and celebratory glitter litter the streets of Melbourne.
It all a strong demonstration of the city's sporting culture.
The city is responding and showing it's open.

Dress design is normally conservative but the elite are more open.
Especially when it's vote night for fairest and best for the football.
Proving that sport is still most definitely at the heart of the culture.
Television news and programs display the red carpet arrivals in the city.
The fashion eyes of the nation look to Melbourne.
Toasts and drinks at this occassion using a glass and not a cup.

Many issues tormenting the world are regarded as only a storm in a tea cup.
The culture of the city continues to evolve and remain open.
Such is the way of life in the cosmopolitan Melbourne.
Proving it is so much more than just fashion or football.
The city council has embrassed the heavily graffitied lanes within the city.
Demonstrating to the world how to embrace a deverse culture.

Since white settlement society has quickly accepted changes to culture.
Drinking from a mug instead of a tea cup.
The outskirts now fifty kilometres plus from the heart of the city.
Doors during the night time no longer left open.
Kids can no longer play on the street kicking a football.
Not all things improve with evolving but that is the way of life in Melbourne.

Melbourne does have it's very own culture.
Not just a fascination with football or the winning of a cup.
It's a place open to become the countries number one city.

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