Chapter 11 - parties

Start from the beginning

I don't really know anyone here, so I guess I'll keep to myself... Cameron thought

Justin Bieber

I walked around, searching for Cameron. I called her, but she won't answer her phone.

"Woo" I turned around and seen Cameron dancing holding a red solo cup of beer

For god sake...

As I walked through the crowd trying to get to her, the more worried I became.

"Cameron" she turned around

Her eyes grew wide when she seen me. She wrapped her arms and legs around my body.

"J-jus-tin....Whe-re were you?" A giggle escaped from her lips

I carried her body over to a couch, setting her down.

"Cam, I think I should take you home?"

"Noooo, let's stay and have fun!" Cameron threw her hands in the air

I threw Cameron's body over my shoulder and carried her out to my car.

This is going to be harder than I thought...


"Justy...I don't wanna go home" Cameron whined

"You need to sleep"

"No I don't, it's not time yet" she hiccuped followed by a giggle

"It's two a.m. It's been time to go to bed"

I pulled up into her driveway. I picked Cameron up, carrying her into her home.

"Justin, y-you know w-what we should do?" Cameron stumbled over her feet making it harder to walk

"What?" I asked just for her sake

"W-we should make out" she whispered

"No need for that"

I helped her settle down in her room. She laid down, but as soon as she did, she passed out.

I sighed in relief, undressing her. It may sound creepy, but she'll thank me in the morning. I took off my shirt and slid on some sweatpants, climbing in bed with her.

I didn't sign cup for this...

Thursday -- August 30th
Cameron Jeffries

I woke up to light snores beside me.

What the hell happened last night?

I turned my head, coming face to face with Justin. I didn't even want to sit up, knowing my head would be killing me. Looking under the blanket, I was only in my bra and panties, Justin was only wearing sweatpants and his arms were wrapped around my torso.

It's like cuddling is an all the time thing for us... I smiled at the thought

Jack Gilinsky

I couldn't sleep at all, being with Madison is a pain in the ass, but that's not the only reason. Seeing Cameron with Justin at that party last night hit me hard. I'm only still with Madison to make Cameron jealous. It works when she sees me with her, but when Justin comes around, it's like she doesn't even realize I'm there anymore. If only time could pass me by, I wouldn't be so stressed out.

"Madison, I gotta go" I made my way to the door

"Okay, I'll text you later, I guess" her eyes stayed glued to her cellphone screen


I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. Shortly after Mrs. Johnson opened the door.

"Hey, Mrs Johnson, is Jack home?" I asked

"Hey, baby" she engulfed me in a tight hug "uh, yea. He's upstairs in his room"

Mrs Johnson moved to the side letting me in. I walked up the stairs and into jacks room.

He looked up at me "Gilinsky! Just the guy I was looking for" he chuckled

"But anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I needed to get away from Madison" I lowered my head looking at the floor

"I thought you l-"

"Don't even say it, because I don't" I stopped him

"Then why are you dating her?"

I looked Jack in the eyes, sending him the message.

"Oh, you still have a thing for my little sister don't you?" A smirk grew over his face "but she's getting a little too close with Justin"

"Where is she?" I scrunched my eyebrows

"In her room with Justin"

"Are you kidding me? You don't know how hard I've tried to get her to love me the way I love her. I've never been so stressed in my life until now and I can't get her" I ranted

Running my fingers through my hair, I blew a gust of wind through my lips.

I can't do this, she needs to know how much I love her. Im just making this harder on myself and apparently, everything I do, doesn't help.

"You're in love with my sister?"

I sighed "yea"


His Baby ~ j.gWhere stories live. Discover now