Captivation Part 5

Start from the beginning

"She probably organised it in the first place." Jared sipped his drink.

"Didn't sound like it." He took a sip, let the liquid burn its way down his throat, then added, "Sounds like she was set up in the first place. Seemed to be handling it pretty well." In fact the more Doug thought about it, the more impressed he was. From what he'd overheard, she was definitely getting the rough end of the stick, and yet she had not been willing to allow another person to be mired in the situation. Definitely a woman worth knowing.

"Set up?" Jared turned, propped his elbows on the bar and leaned back, even as his eyes scanned the room again. She'd spread her rumour and disappeared from sight. He'd tried for most of the evening to spot her.

"You just happened to be in line of sight." Muttered Doug cryptically. He was starting to think that it might just be worth finding this woman. She sounded interesting.

"What?" Jared turned his head and glared at his friend for the drip feed of information.

Seeing Jared's confusion, Douglas explained what he'd overheard.

"So why the bloody hell didn't she say so? Instead of letting me read her -the your father doesn't intimidate me script?" Ever since he'd returned to the hall and discovered that everyone appeared to know about his conversation, he'd decided it was the wrong thing to do, the wrong place to do it and the wrong time to tell her.

Douglas shrugged. "You gave her an opportunity to do that?"

"Bloody women." Growled Jared.

"Ah, guess that answers that! So you didn't."

"She could have told me at anytime. Instead I got her prissy icicle routine. She had every fucking opportunity to explain." Jared announced as if it wasn't his fault at all.

"Right." Douglas smothered his grin, and sipped his lager before asking "So what now?"

"How the hell should I know?" Jared turned back to the bar, picked up the two glasses and muttered, "I knew there was a reason I avoided these events. Bloody prissy women." Jared muttered more to himself. Douglas picked up his lager and followed his friend into the throng. She wasn't difficult to spot. Either that or Jared's radar was now tuned in to pick her out.

"Well it looks like she's got her next target lined up." Jared indicated with his head, and Douglas tracked his gaze to the dance floor. Caitlin was dancing. Or at least there was music on, and she had a partner, who looked like he was about to do her some serious injury. Both Jared and Douglas winced when her partner accidentally elbowed her in the chest when he attempted to do a spin. For several painful minutes they watched, wincing every now and then as she was manhandled across the dance floor.

"Hope she's wearing body armour under that dress, otherwise she's going to be black and blue."

"She's ice, no chance of bruising." Jared replied, but spoilt it with a wince as yet again her partner's flailing arms made contact.

"That's got to hurt." Douglas winced, a frown appeared on his brow, "She ought to leave him!"

Fortunately for Caitlin the piece came to an end. With a forced smile she thanked her partner and made her way off the dance floor. This evening was turning out to be a nightmare. First Jared, and for the last thirty minutes all she had had were dances with some very poor dancers. If they weren't stepping on her toes, they were mauling her, if they weren't bruising her with their enthusiasm, they were slobbering all over her as they tried to press her into a closer than comfortable contact dance. Obviously the rumour that she was desperate to be with a man had brought out men who thought she would tolerate anything. Caitlin had nearly reached the table when she was approached.

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