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"When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew."

― Arrigo Boito

Chapter 20

"Hey," I waved at Grayson.

 He turned around from his sculptor. The cloth he was using slipped off his hand as he accidentally tripped over the stool. I watched in owe as he got up as swiftly as possible with his hair flopping up and fresh sweat dripping off his forehead."Oh! Sorry I..." 

"Are you okay?" I put out my hands to help him. 

"No it's okay," he breathed heavily, turning red of embarrassment. 

"How you've you been? I really hope you haven't been tripping lately," I smiled. 

"Ha-ha" he made a robotic laugh,"I've been great, you?" He said the words looking down. He was whipping off his paint of his fingers, using his forearm to get rid of the sweat on his forehead.

"I've had better days," which was true.

"What do you mean?" I smiled at his attempt to make a conversation. 

He made a confused look,"what," he plead. 

"You're getting better at it," I plopped down at the couch to my left. We were inside the art room, alone, again. I've never seen people in her lately.

"At what?"

"Talking," I took a bite of the mint on the tray next to me. Classy.

"How are you and Alec, doing?" he said, nervously.

" know, same old," I closed my eyes and waved my hands in the air, in emphasize,"same old" 

"Do you mind....if," I heard him fiddling with his feet,""

"Spit out, gray" I, still closing my eyes, I began rub my temple. I had so many thoughts jumbled in my head. 

It was good to talk to someone like him. He was my friend, a perfect Advil.


"Grayson, you know I love spending time with you," I smiled and opened my eyes to see his widen,"Do you mind hanging this weekend, as friends, it'll help a lot, actually" 

"Y-yeah," he sighed and looked away. He through the little towel on the stool."Of course"

"What were you going to say," I said, getting up, grinning at him. 

"N..." he breathed out again,"Nothing," he said, giving me a smile that seemed forced. 

I decided to let it go and waved goodbye to him, as I walked out the room. 

*   *   *

 I pulled on Ron's sleeve as he turned around with shocked looked on his face. He was walking with his new girlfriend, which somehow pissed me off."Do you mind if I steal him for a bit?"

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