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 "The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person."

  ― Chuck Palahniuk

Chapter 7

The amount of eyes that stared at me at school was crazy. All the way from morning classes to the end of the day. I literally thought I lost sanity. Alec told me not to pay mind to it and that their just acknowledging my beauty for the first time. His words, not mine.

I was at Coffee shop near my house. I wanted to be alone. After all the commotion of craziness that happened today, everything irritated me.

 I had a hangover Saturday morning because of the party on Friday night. And...Let's just say I couldn't stop throwing up. Alec was a doll for staying and helping kneel on the floor to vomit in the toilet, pulling my hair out of the way. Giving me medicine. 

Yes. I love him so much. Not in that way, of course. 

I sat down on one of the cafe's couches in the corner. It felt so nice to get a break away from gossiping bitches, so called bad boys or to sum it up --High school students. 

I luckily bought a book during the weekend, and I was planning on suggesting to Alec. I held the book Paper Towns  in front of me. Apparently it was really good to be a written by an New York Times best Selling Author (John Green.) 

I opened the first page but only to be interrupted by a someone drop on my side. I turned to see long brown fair-haired slut. It was the girl that I met yesterday...what was her name again. 

"Hey!" She smiled."So, what are you doin'?" 

"Uh..." I showed her there was a book in my head. "Reading and drinking coffee" Alone.

She nodded her head. She pulled a lock of her hair behind her ear and pouted her lips. "Are you that bored?"

"Sure..." How dare she!

"Oh well, I heard you're Alec best friend" And there she goes, cutting right to the chase.

"Yes" I said proudly."What may I do for you" 

"Oooh, polite, I see" She smirked."Let's just be honest with each other, shall we?"


"I want to date Alec. Do you have a problem with that?"

What? My heart was beating oddly fast. "No, why are you asking?"

"You know, the whole romantic story where the two best friends fall in love and then--" She snapped her fingers to show an explosion with her hands. "Bam! A fucking cheesy love story" 

"I've read to many of those to be real" I giggled remembering I had read story like that.

She smiled and put her hands down. "It's just I hope we can be friends and be honest. Now, don't tell me 'I'm in love with my best friend' crap" 

"Rest assured, I couldn't care less" I said emotionless.

"Great!" She grinned from ear to ear."Zerena Weston but you can call me Zuzu" She stuck out her hand. 

"So, Zerena, it is then" I tried for a smile. "Daisy Rodriguez and I have no nickname but call me what the fuck you want. I don't give a shit"

"Okay..."She put her finger on her chin."Ass wipe, it is then" She smirked.

"Hey! Call me anything I'm satisfied with!"

"Hey!" She mimicked me. "You said 'I don't give a shit'" 

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