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"I'm oxygen and he's dying to breathe."

― Tahereh Mafi

Chapter 9

"Hi, Mr. Garcia! Is Alec there?"

"Oh! Daisy" Alec's Father cleared his throat."Sorry, I don't think he wants to speak to you right now"

I felt something deflate inside of me. I sighed and replied."Of course, sorry for bothering you, sir" 

"Yes, have a nice day" he said in stiff and deep voice. He sounded like he was hiding something. I didn't think too much of it. 

It's been four days since Alec hadn't been at school. He hasn't come over to my house like he always does. He's skipped his practices. The only thing he was active on was late night games on the football field. And I obviously came for the first time--only because I never get to see him. Every time I thought I got the chance to talk to him, he'd pretend I wasn't even there.  

And here I was pretending to date Mason O'Brien was going to help him get over me. I'm such an idiot.

I slammed the phone's receiver back to the cradle. I ran upstairs to find Zerena sitting on my bed with her phone in hand just like I left her.

"What took so long?" She said while texting at the same time. I wish I could multitask like that. 

"I wanted to see how he was doing" I started up walking to her. 

"Your boyfriend, right...Mason" She nodded as if that's what she wanted to hear. 

"No..." I fell on the bed as I laid my back in exhaustion. I really was stressed. I swear my hair was turning gray as we know it.

"It was Alec, wasn't it" She hissed. 

"Yup" I emphasized by popping my lips.

"Daisy!" She yelled and ripped her eyes from her cell. She crossed her legs as she gave me a dirty look. Even when she's angry, she looks like a model. Envy shot through me.  

"Ugh! You know you're gorgeous! And it bothers me how your pestering me all the time about him" I sat up and narrowed my eyes."If you like the guy that much, ask him out" 

I don't know why that bothered me. 

She gave a long sigh."Yeah, but then I did break up with someone, so it'd be awkward"


"I'll look like a whore" she said lifting her eyebrow as if everyone in the world knows it.

"Don't already--never mind"

"What was that, ass wipe!"

"I said stop calling me that" I whined, crossing my arms.

"I'll stop when you stop looking like one" she kissed her teeth and got up. 

"Where you going?" I looked at her grabbing her bag. 

"You know what screw it! I'm getting a boyfriend" she looked at me with her eyes glowing. I stared as her as she rubbed her hands together--just like those evil villains in shows I watched as a kid. How tacky. "That way, Alec will get jealous and he'll love every part of me and lick the shit out of--"

"Okay! Okay! That's enough! I don't know where your going with that sentence. But I don't want to hear it" 

She pouted her lips while shrugging and waved her hand as she walked out.

"There's something wrong with that girl" I murmured and opened my laptop. 

*  *  *

"Hey baby" Mason leaned against the locker next to me. 

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