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"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,

Love like you'll never be hurt,

Sing like there's nobody listening,

And live like it's heaven on earth."

― William W. Purkey

Chapter 12

"What's that?" I pouted my lips and stared at the sculptor that Grayson was making. I saw him jump a bit noticing my existence. 

"How long were you standing there?" he gave me a smile and rubbed the paint from his hands. 

"I just got here" I crossed my arms feeling a offended."Why? Do you not want me here?" 

"No. No. Of course I want you here!" he turned a little red while wiping the sweat of his head with his forearm. He really liked art considering he always took the time to complete his work. Today was one of art classes I barley took. Seems to me that Grayson got a little too bored.

"Miss me" I teased.

"Well, yeah since I don't have any friends here" he smiled shyly. Adorable.

"Oh come on" I looked around the room to see the emptiness. "I'm sure you friends here, besides where is everyone?"  

He shrugged slapping on some more clay on to the sculptor. "I don't know, but isn't there a football game during lunch break?" He threw a paint brush back into the jar, grabbing another.

I bit my lip and shrugged, stuffing my hands in my sweatpants. I have been debating with myself, whether I should go knowing that Alec would be there. And that's the only time I can see him; practically. I mean the man seems really show he doesn't want to talk to me. Which really hit a nerve. But I couldn't be mad at him. He couldn't seriously be mad at me. It just hurts every time I think of it.

"Wanna go?" I offered Grayson. 

"I'm pretty sure you know me by now Daisy" he pushed back his long hair from his glasses. "I'm not much of a...what do you call--"

"A people person" I rolled my eyes. "It's not a big deal, you're going to be with me, now let's go" 

"Fine" he made a defeated sigh and wiped his hands once again and threw the cloth over to sink in the corner of room. "Do you mind? If I..." 

"Oh yeah! Go head and change...I'll be by the door when your ready" I spun my heel for the door and stood near the room with my back against the wall, waiting.

I needed a moral. I wanted Alec to make up with me. To be a lot more clear, I miss him. So much. 

"There" Grayson closed the door behind him. He wore a white T-shirt with black jeans that had little paint stains on them.

"Your pants" I said lifting my chin. "You okay with that?"

"Yeah. I guess. I mean the apron wasn't that protective" 

"Let's go" we started up walking to the end of the hall. I started to take in the silence between me and Grayson so...

"You okay?" 

| Alec & Daisy |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें