Chapter Three

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After the party Friday night, Haley slept over my house, given she was too drunk to drive herself home. Thankfully dad was asleep when we walked into the house and I didn't have to explain the smell of alcohol, or the slurring words that were coming out of Haley's mouth. Haley fell asleep pretty quickly that night, basically passing out the second her head hit the pillow. I was selfishly glad that I didn't need to entertain her because I was still pretty annoyed with how the whole night went.

The rest of the weekend was much more calm and bearable. I spent most of my time with my dad, watching movies, making dinner and playing a few games of Yatzee, here and there. It was always a game we loved to play as a family growing up. I spent the rest of my down time in my bedroom, listening to music and reading my books. Haley tried to call me multiple times, but I wasn't in the mood to talk, shooting her a quick message to say I would call her later. I needed time alone and I soaked up every minute that I could.

Walking into school this morning was a serious struggle. The dreary hallways welcomed me with open arms as I walked to my locker. I opened my locker door and looked at the picture of mom and me, before putting my backpack away. Sighing, I wondered if losing her would ever get easier. A commonly known saying is 'time heals all wounds' or 'it gets better with time'. I didn't think there was enough time in the world to make this feeling go away.

Within a few minutes of being at locker number 230, Haley was at my side, immediately chatting away about the party and her weekend.

"You know you never called me back right?" She asked, after droning on and on for five minutes about how she got some guys number at the party. I would assume she was talking about the stranger she was dancing with, but it could have been anyone. Haley is a well-liked person.

"I know, I'm sorry. Dad and I were busy all weekend." Haley rolled her eyes.

"Sure." She said. "Anyway I really think I might give this guy a call. He was really cute and such a good kisser."

"You kissed him?" I asked, surprised since I was pretty sure she had only just met him that night.

"So? I think you should kiss more guys Faith. Maybe it'll loosen you up a bit." Haley began to examine her nails; she had a freshly done manicure and probably the toes to match.

"No thanks," I said. Haley went on to talk about the importance of physical contact and how it was healthy. I was trying not to roll my eyes at the made up health facts Haley was feeding to me, when I felt as though someone was staring at me.

I looked over Haley's shoulder as she continued to talk, searching the hall for whom it was I felt staring. I should have been used to people staring by now, but I wasn't. It was still just as irritating as it had been the first day I returned to school after the car accident. Typically, my only time for peace and quiet was when I was at my locker. I would hide behind the locker door and everyone would go about their business, talking to their friends or walking to class.

I spotted Ash down the hallway, staring at me with a smirk on his face. He was hugging some girl, and looking at me over her shoulder. The whole image was beyond creepy and annoying. A part of me was hoping that Ash had been too drunk to remember our little encounter at the party Friday night. Clearly my wish was a dud.

Now that we weren't in a dark backyard and Ash was no longer drunk, I could see him more clearly. His black hair was straight, but messy and looked as though he didn't even know what a comb was. His blue eyes were bright, popping against the dark color of his hair and was undoubtedly what every girl gushed over. He was tall, and lean but with just the right amount of muscles and was wearing a t-shirt that showed off every one.

Haley must have noticed that I was no longer paying attention to her and followed my gaze to where Ash was standing.

"He so wants you." She said. I looked at her, shock clearly plastered on my face.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Haley rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Helloooo? Remember what he said Friday night? I may have been drunk but I remember you telling me what happened, and I remember what he said to you when we were getting in the car."

"Haley, he was freaking drunk out of his mind. And he says that bullshit to every girl in our school. He probably just said the same thing to the girl he's hanging all over right now."

Haley didn't bother to look over to see what I was referring to. She kept her eyes on me, with her arms crossed as though she was going to lecture me.

"Whatever. I think he likes you." She said. "And clearly he wasn't drunk enough if he was just looking at you and smiling. While he was with another girl might I add?"

I rolled my eyes. " No you may not, and I barley even know him Haley. And he barley knows me. It's not like we've talked much over the years, he's always such an asshole to everyone."

"Yeah, well I think what he does know about you, he likes."

I sighed, turning away, and back to my locker.

"Whatever you say Haley." I didn't feel like arguing about the dumb topic anymore. After grabbing my history book and folders, I closed my locker door. "I'll see you later Haley, I don't want to be late for History."

Haley gave me a quick hug before heading off to her math class, promising to save me a seat at lunch. I avoided looking at Ash as I walked past him down the hallway towards history class. When I walked into class, I took the first seat by the door. It was always my first choice, being it was the quickest route out of class when the bell rang. It wasn't until Ash walked through the door that I remember we had the same history period. I quickly opened my history textbook, looking down and pretending to read todays chapter.

"Did you like the show beautiful?" I looked up to see Ash standing in front of my desk, hands in his pockets and a sly grin on his face. I attempted to ignore him, looking back down at my textbook and continuing to read. "Hey, that could have been you and me Friday night." he said.

I looked back up at him and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, you wish. And I see you actually have a memory from Friday night, how are your sneakers?" I asked.

"Hey, I wasn't that drunk." He looked at me shocked.

"Says the guy who put his feet in a pool while wearing your converse."

"That's why they were wet." I heard him mumble under his breath. I rolled my eyes. "I remember everything, including you flirting with me."

"Are you really that much of an idiot Ash?" I asked.

"Or you were just trying to cover up the truth." he smirked and winked at me.

It amazed me at how cocky he could really be. Before the party I couldn't even remember the last time Ash had two words to me and vise versa. We have never been friends and we had never shown interest in one another. I couldn't understand why he now will not leave me alone.

"You're a pig Ash." I said, as our history teacher walked into class, telling everyone to take their seats, including Ash.

Ash walked towards the onlyopen seat left in the classroom. He sat across the room, one row back. If I lookedover my shoulder, I could still see him staring at me with his famous smirkclear across his face. I turned my attention to the today's history lesson,ignoring Ash but feeling his gaze on me the entire class.   

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