The day before they start shooting, she receives a phone call saying that she will work with Gerard Butler, Jen is left wondering, they met at a party not long ago and it seemed that he was trying to flirt with her...

-- August 2008--

Court and Jen are talking and laughing, when Jen suddenly notices someone is touching her back so she turns around.

- Hi, I'm Gerard. - Je says smiling.

- Hi! What’s up? - She says smiling as she can, but she doesn't really know who he is.

- You're Rachel Green, right?

- Yes... but the other day someone started calling me "Jen" on the street, I have no idea why. - They laugh.

They spent like a half hour talking, he tried to get closer to her, but she knew he was a little bit drunk so she forgave him, although sometimes it seemed a little awkward. They laughed and after that night they haven't spoken again.

--        --

The next day Jen goes to shoot, she meets Gerard and they become friends so quickly.

The time shooting flies, they go from one place to another to roll, just having fun, she flirts with Gerard a little, and the days of the premieres and promotion arrive.

They travel from city to city; they swallow their own movie more than 15 times... When they arrive to Paris they get surprised by all the paparazzi out there, they come to the place of the interview and get told that they have come too early, their managers send them to their hotel, they pick a room and stay watching TV.

- I´m boooooooooooored...- Gerard says leaning against the headboard and changing channels.

- Me toooooo... - She screams from the bathroom. She washes her hands and goes to sit in bed with Gerard.

- There's nothing interesting on... If we were in 2001 now we would be watching Friends.- Jen smiles and thinks about what Gerard just said. No, if they were in 2001 she would be with Brad having a drink in the bar downstairs while Gerard has fun alone. She gets lost in her mind.- Hey!– He moves quickly a hand in front of her eyes. – What happened?

- Oh... nothing, nothing... I want to sleep... - Jen says lying down and getting under the covers.

- But we have to leave in two hours... Don’t sleep... – He touches her arm.

- Let me... – She sets aside the arm and turns around. Gerard feels sorry, he lies closer to her and hugs her from behind.

- Tell me what's wrong.

- No... Not now...

- Come ooooon... - He hugs her stronger. Jen smiles and turns to face him, they are very close, but they don’t go away. - You have two full hours to tell me what's wrong.

- Ugh... Gerry... it all happens to me, I miss many things I had before and now I don’t...

- Are you talking about Brad?

- I don’t even know...

- Come here... - He hugs her with all his might and he notices how Jen begins to cry.-  Hey... Don’t cry...

- God... the thing... is that I miss my mother... fuck... four years... It's been four years since the last time I saw her... I didn't even invite her to my wedding... and every time I think about it... I feel guilty... I feel bad...- Jen can’t stop crying, she hasn't cried like this since about Brad, she doesn't know what is happening to her.

- Don’t worry... I'm here for everything you need, huh? – He puts her hair away from her face and smiles. She tries to smile too but fails, she thinks about everything that is happening, she needs to rejoice a little, she thinks about what she's about to do, yeah, she is sure, he’s her friend, she looks up and kisses him. Gerard lets her, he likes her kisses, he separate and smiles. - What are you doing? - He looks with a mischievous smile. Jen also smiles.

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