"I think I know what you are trying to say; he impressed you."

"Aye, he did."

Eragon took pleasure in hearing her speak about him, but a noise made him sit up. His sudden movement alarmed Lena. "Eragon?" He got up and looked into the trees surrounding their camp.

"Eragon what is it?" Brom asked.

"I thought I saw something. Maybe it was just a bird." He turned around and looked at his companions. Lena did not look happy.

"You were awake the whole time weren't you…" as she said this, a dark figure emerged from the trees. "Eragon, look out!" It was too late, the Ra'zac had already rendered Eragon unconscious.

"Lena, get back!" Brom unsheathed his sword. The commotion awoke Saphira. Lena covered her ears when the dragon's deafening roar filled the camp. Saphira came charging after the Ra'zac, but halted when one placed a blade at his neck. "Come any clossser and he diesss."

"No!" Lena yelled, running towards the monster. She did not get very far; the Ra'zac grabbed her and threw her to the ground.

The distraction was enough for the other Ra'zac to disarm Brom. He looked at Saphira and then at Lena and Eragon. Left with no other option, they surrendered. The Ra'zac bound them with thick rope and bound Saphira in chains.

When they were finished, they shoved a foul smelling liquid in her face. "Drink thisss." After she refused, he grabbed her cheeks forcing her to open her mouth. Once the contents were in her mouth, he placed his hand over her lips to make her swallow. He did the same to Brom. Within minutes, she was unconscious.

Lena began to gain consciousness. Opening her eyes, she saw a lantern followed by an outline of a Ra'zac. She tried to move, but found that her hands were bound; it was then that she remembered what happened earlier. Shifting herself, she saw Eragon and Brom. Across the way, she saw Saphira in chains.

"She was most cooperative when we threatened to kill you," hissed the Ra'zac. He was busy talking to Eragon. When he finished, he began to rummage through their bags. Pulling out Zar'roc, the creature gleamed. "What a pretty thing for one so…insignificant. Maybe I will keep it." He leaned in closer towards Eragon, "Or maybe, if you behave, our master will let you polish it." The Ra'zac looked over the blade once more. When he came across the symbol on the scabbard he said, "You will serve our master very well, yesss."

"If I do, I will kill you." Eragon said. Lena could tell that he was still trying to be brave, despite their precarious situation.

"Oh no," the creature chuckled coldly, "we are too valuable. But you…you are disposable." He then turned his cold gaze towards her. "And you…you are very valuable to my master. He will be pleased to know of your existence." Behind him, the other Ra'zac pulled out a small, purple device.

"My cellphone…" she gasped.

Their attention was diverted when Brom groaned. "It'sss wearing off."

"Quick, give him more."

"Let'sss just kill him," the other Ra'zac said.

"Remember what our master said, we are to keep them all alive."

"We can sssay he was killed when we captured them."

"What of these two," he pointed his sword at Eragon. "What if they talk?"

His companion drew a dagger and walked over towards Lena. "They wouldn't dare."

There was a pause, then, "Agreed." The Ra'zac near Eragon dragged Brom to the center of the camp. Eragon tried to get free, but the rope was too strong. "None of that now." Unable to do anything, he looked helplessly at Lena, and then back at Brom.

The other Ra'zac lifted back Brom's head and placed the dagger at his exposed throat. Lena closed her eyes and looked away, tears rolling down her cheeks. A swooshing noise filled the camp followed by a Ra'zac's howl. Lifting her head, she saw an arrow protruding from the Ra'zac by Brom. Another arrow flew through the camp, hitting the Ra'zac near Eragon. Hissing, he barely dodged another arrow, scuttling over to his companion. Neither of them made no attempt to stop Brom as he staggered upright.

"Get down!" Eragon yelled at him.

From the opposite direction, more arrows soared through the camp. Several pierced the Ra'zac. With wild cries, they began to flee the camp, one of the Ra'zac kicking Eragon in the side. The other grabbed a dagger and threw it at Eragon.

Lena saw the knife fly towards Eragon. Before it could pierce him, Brom's body got in the way as he threw himself in front of Eragon. "No!" Eragon screamed, still doubled over in pain. Footsteps were heard, but before he could see who they belonged to, his world went black.

Lena looked at the man who entered the camp. He was wearing a black cloak that kept his face hidden until he lifted his hood. He looked about her age and had black hair and dark brown eyes. "Who are you," she asked.

"I am Murtagh."

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