Chapter 5

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Author's Note: In the previous chapter, I did not specify when that took place. After I had completed it and had the chapter posted, I realized that you need to know that it took place two weeks before the events that take place in Chapter 5. I apologize for any confusion. Now, I can begin Chapter 5.

It was early afternoon when they arrived at Dras Leona. Saphira stayed hidden in the woods while they visited the city. Dras Leona was encircled by a meager wall of mud. Small children begged for food and money at the entrance. Looking at their pale, shrunken faces reminded Lena of the photographs she had seen of the starving children in Africa. Her heart ached to help them, but alas, she had nothing to give them. All she could do was vow to help them one day.

As the thought entered her mind, she realized how attached she was becoming to Alagaesia. She did not dismiss it; rather, she let it linger in her mind. Even though she had been in the land for a short amount of time, she could not help but feel as if she had been there before. The feeling was not very strong, but it was still present in the back of her head.

Her thoughts were disrupted when Brom began talking to her. "While you are here, you need to keep a low profile. That means that you have to act like you are from this world. Women here do not have the same freedoms as in your world."

Lena nodded. She was already aware of that fact, but made no response to his remark. She followed him past the small, crowded, and dirty buildings near the entrance. The further they proceeded into the city, the nicer the buildings became. In the middle of the city there stood a vast cathedral. In order to see the entire structure, she had to arch her neck. It was beautiful and haunting at the same time. Curious, she asked Brom what the religion was worshiped inside that particular cathedral.

"A very dark and horrifying religion; their prayers go to Helgrind." Brom pointed at the distant tall, black tower that loomed above them. "Every one of its followers is missing a limb of some sort. They believe that blood and flesh sacrifices are pleasing and causes them to have a weaker connection to the mortal world."

Lena's face formers into a cringe. "That is disgusting. And I thought some of our world religions were weird."

Brom laughed. "You will have to tell me more about your religion, oh what was it, Chris-something."

"Christianity. And yes, I can tell you more about it, of course, at a more appropriate time." Brome led them to an inn and rented out a room. They planned to only stay up to two days; after two days, they would discuss another course of action. Once they had a chance to relax, they started to go over their plan, which was to locate merchants who sold seither oil.

"We should split up. I can go alone and the two of you can work as a team. Meet me back here an hour before sunset." Lena and Eragon nodded at Brom's instructions.

Right at the get-go, Lena already hated Dras Leona. The more she explored the city, the more she hated it. Eragon's statement reeled in her head as they roamed around asking about the oil. Do not judge the rest of Alagaesia by Dras Leona. If that was truly the case, she wondered what the other cities were like.

After about two hours of asking around, Eragon and Lena headed back to the main square. Upon their arrival, they heard an auctioneer. Neither of them could hear what he was trying to sell until they saw a boney man standing next to the podium. He must have been middle aged, but through extreme hard labor, he now looked like an old man.

The slave was sold to a rich man in silk robes. "This is utterly barbaric." She whispered to Eragon. "Slavery has been long abolished where I come from."

"I did not even know there was still slavery in Alagaesia. I have to do something about this." He balled up his fists as his anger rose.

"What can you do? Brom told us to keep a low profile. Saving slaves is a sure way to grab attention."

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