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*Regina's POV**Time Lapse*
Today's February 1st. My 18th birthday. Emma's been my girlfriend since Christmas. And now? Now I'm 18 so we don't have to hid it and I can move out. I walked to Emma's classroom for lunch and went in. "Afternoon Ms. Swan." I said, not looking at her. "Ms. Mills." I froze and looked up, seeing principal Fisher. "Please follow me to my office." She said. I nodded and did as told. When we got to her office my heart began pounding as I saw a police officer sitting beside her desk. Principal Fisher walked around and sat in her desk chair, so I sat in the chair across from her desk. "Ms. Mills, we need to talk about Ms. Swan." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Regina, do you have a relationship with Ms. Swan outside of school?" She asked. "Well.. Yeah. I babysit her daughter." I said. She narrowed her eyes. "Is Ms. Swan ever there when you are?" She asked. I felt my hands begin to sweat. "N-no ma'am. She leaves within 5 minutes of the time I get there." I said. She clasped her hands together and looked down at them. "Has she ever tried to have an intimate relationship with you?" She asked. "No!" I shouted, growing angry. But, mostly concerned. "So, you're telling me that you have never had sex or kissed Emma Swan?" She spit. "No! I've never kissed her or had sex with her!" I shouted. "Do not yell at me." She said. I took a deep breath and glanced at the police officer, staring at me. "You may go." Principal Fisher said. I got up and left with my stuff. I went to the exit and made my way to my car. I threw my stuff in before speeding to Emma's house, scared of what's going on. I parked, then ran to the front door. I knocked several times and waited. The door opened and I saw a blonde. That's not my blonde. "May I help you?" She asked. "Uh.. E-Emma.. I'm here to see Emma.." I mumbled. "I'm sorry... Emma went out of town.." She said. "Come on in.. We'll talk." She said. I nodded and stepped in. "Gina!" I heard Riley shout. I looked at the 6 year old running to me. I picked her up and rested her on my hip. "Hey baby girl." I said and kissed her head. "Mommy left us." She said and frowned. "She left us?" I asked. Riley nodded and leaned her head on my shoulder. I looked at the other blonde who was admiring my interaction with Riley. "I'm Kathryn. Emma's half sister." She said. I nodded. "I'm Regina. I'm Emma's g-babysitter." I said, catching myself. She smiled. "You're her girlfriend." She said. I bit my lip. "Mommy loves Gina! And so do I!" Riley shouted. I smiled. "Regina.. Emma is under investigation because the girl who beat her up went to your principal and said they dated. So, Emma's lawyer told her to take a trip. I don't know when she'll be back. But I'm sure it'll be soon. And I'm sure the investigation will be over before you know it." She said. I nodded. "Gina, you stay for dinner?" Riley asked. I smiled. "Sure baby." I said.

After dinner, Kathryn and I sat down on the couch after she put Riley down for bed. "Regina... I know Emma has serious feelings for you.. I know you two probably love each other. But... Right now... Emma needs to work some stuff out. If anyone finds out you're her girlfriend... She'll go to jail. And you'll be expelled and who knows what else." She said. I shook my head. "I'm 18 now. They can't do anything if I want to be with Emma." I said, on the verge of tears. "I.. I know. But... You weren't 18 when you started dating." She said. I released a heavy sigh and nodded. "Well, no one has to find out about before. But-" "Kathryn?" I heard Emma shout. My eyes lit up and I got up, then ran to the door. "Emma." I said and threw my arms around her. She didn't react to the hug, so I pulled away. And that's when I noticed a brunette man. "Neal." Kathryn said. My jaw dropped and I looked at Emma. She looked sad. I grabbed my coat, then stormed out on the verge of tears. "Regina!" Emma shouted. I turned around, tears now staining my cheeks. "What?!" I spit. "Regina... I can explain." She said. I shook my head. "What is their to explain? You up and leave without telling me anything. Even though I'm your girlfriend. And then you go and get your ex? Maybe you and him should just get back together. It'd be better." I said and tears flowed down my cheeks. "I... No." She spit. "No?" I asked, confused. "No. We're not breaking up like this. Regina, you are the love of my life. Neal never was. I just loved him. But you... I can't see myself without you anymore, baby." She said. She took a step closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm under investigation, Regina. I could go to jail if anyone found out how long we've been together." She mumbled. "They won't. I'm 18 now. They can't do anything about it." I said. "But I'm still your teacher. We just have to be careful." She said, quietly. "When are you coming back?" I asked. "I don't know baby." She said, quietly. "I love you." I whispered. "You... Love me?" She asked. "Y-yeah..." I mumbled. "Baby.. I love you too." She said. I smiled against her chest and pulled away. She pulled me into a gentle kiss and I smiled into it. We pulled away and she smiled. "Happy 18th baby..." She said, quietly and held up a ring box. I looked at her and she smiled. I opened it and my eyes watered at the gorgeous sight. It's a vintage diamond ring. She grabbed the ring and slipped it on my right ring finger. "I love you." She whispered. I nodded. "I love you too." I said. She smiled. "I have to go... But.. Can I come over after school tomorrow?" I asked. She nodded. I kissed her again, then went to my car. I smiled as I glanced at the ring on my finger.
At lunch, I walked to the cafeteria. Now that Emma's not here, they're not making me do guidance. I was walking to Zelena's table and listened as she talked. I sat down beside her and she smiled at me. "So, when they asked if I had a relationship with her, I didn't know what to do. I didn't want Swan to go to jail, but I can't lie." Zelena said to one of her friends. My heart rate sped up. "What'd you tell them?" I asked. "Well, I had to tell them I did." She said. I got up and stormed out of the cafeteria. I saw principal Fisher and she walked over to me. "Regina.. Are you absolutely certain of what you told us yesterday?" She asked. "I'm positive." I spit and ran to the exit. I got in my car and sped to Emma's house. I parked, then ran up to the door. I rang the doorbell several times and Emma came and opened it. She looks like she's been crying and she's wearing sweatpants and a tank top. I threw my arms around her and she gripped my waist tightly. "S-she told them." She croaked. "I know baby..." I whispered. "I.. I might go to jail." She whispered. "I-i know baby." I said, my voice cracking. "Regina... No one's here right now... I want to make love to you." She said, gently. I pulled away and looked at her. She was pleading with her eyes. She pulled me into a passionate kiss and I kicked the door shut. She picked me up in her arms and carried me upstairs. "I love you. I'll always love you. No matter how this ends. If you go, I'll be here waiting. Okay?" I said. She nodded and kissed me gently. "I love you too." She said, then kissed me passionately. This could be the last time for awhile. That's terrifying.

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today...
Tell me honestly...
Would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly
Would you still love me the same?

Right about now...
If a judge for life me...
Would you stay by my side?
Or is ya gonna say good-bye?
Can you tell me right now?
If I couldn't buy you the fancy things in life
Shawty would it be alright
Come and show me that you are down

Now tell me would you really ride for me?
Baby tell me would you die for me?
Would you spend your whole life with me?
Would you be there to always hold me down?
Tell me would you really cry for me? (Would you really cry for me?)
Baby don't lie to me
If I didn't have anything...
I wanna know would you stick around?

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today...
Tell me honestly...
Would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly
Would you still love me the same?

Let's get it diddly-dong-dong-dong dang
All I want is somebody real who don't need much
A gal I know that I can trust...
To be here when money low
If I did not have nothing else to give but love...
Would that even be enough?
Gal meh need fi know

Now tell me would you really ride for me?
Baby tell me would you die for me?
Would you spend your whole life with me?
Would you be there to always hold me down?
Tell me would you really cry for me? (Would you really cry for me?)
Baby don't lie to me
If I didn't have anything...
I wanna know would you stick around?

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today...
Tell me honestly...
Would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly
Would you still love me the same?

Tell me, tell me, would you want me? (Want me!)
Tell me, tell me, would you call me? (Call me!)
If you knew I wasn't ballin'
Cause I need a gal who's always by my side...
Tell me, tell me, do you need me? (Need me)
Tell me, tell me, do you love me yea?
Or is ya just tryna play me?
Cause I need a gal to hold me down for life...

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today...
Tell me honestly...
Would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly
Would you still love me the same?

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today...
Tell me honestly...
Would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly...
Would you still love me the same?

Would you still love me the same?

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