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*Emma's POV**Time Lapse- December 14*
Stupid, stupid, stupid! You ruined everything! I did ruin everything. After waking up with an almost naked Regina in my arms, we got up, had breakfast with Riley, everything was fine. Then, I decided to be a dipshit and say 'I didn't want to fall for another one of you'. Which, caused her to ask what I meant. By saying 'another Mills girl', I ruined everything. She left and told me not to ever speak to her again. And it's been over two weeks. She's skipped a few lunches, but I'm not blaming her. Of course she's going to ditch an hour and a half with me. The bell for 4th block rang and I took a deep breath. People started filing in. This is Regina's class. When Regina strolled in, I felt my heart break. A tall blonde named Beca (AN: birgitte hjort sørensen) has her arm wrapped around Regina's shoulders. They kissed and Regina glanced at me. She smirked, then kissed Beca again. I rolled my eyes as they sat at two desks in the back of the class. "Good afternoon. Today, you'll be working on quizzes. They're on the front table. Come get them. Then begin. No talking." I mumbled. Of course she's going to want her. Look at her! She's fucking gorgeous. Flawless skin, tall, and she's a bad girl. Never follows rules. Fuck. Of course Regina wants her. I looked around as everyone worked on their quizzes and I saw Beca look at Regina's paper. I glared back there and watched as she cheated. Then, I saw something that made my skin crawl. Beca slid her hand onto Regina's upper thigh and began rubbing it. I walked back to their desks and snatched Beca's test up. She looked up at me as I ripped it up. "What the hell?!" She screamed and stood up. I raised an eyebrow. All eyes are on you... "I saw you cheating. Zero. That's what happens when you cheat." I spit. I walked up to the front and she followed. "That's fucking bullshit." She spit. I turned around to look at her and crossed my arms. "Watch your language. Sit down." I said, keeping my calm. I glanced back at Regina and she looked worried. "No. I'll do what I fucking want." She spit and took a step towards me. She's taller than me, but there's nothing to tell her I'm intimidated or scared. Because I'm not. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah." She spit and pushed me back. I stumbled a little and she smirked. "Do something about it." She growled. "I'm your teacher. You will respe-" I started but she shoved me to the ground and started beating the shit out of me. "Don't tell me what I'll fucking do!" She screamed. The whole class erupted into shouts and people tried to pull her off of me. "Beca no!" Regina shouted. "You're gonna kill her!" Regina screamed. "Beca get the fuck off of her!" Regina screamed. I closed my eyes as she pummeled my ass. "Get off of her!" I heard Principal Fisher scream, then Vice Principal Booth ripped her off of me. "Ms. Swan!" Principal Fisher shouted and crouched beside me. I feel the blood dripping from my face. "Is she okay?" "Ms. Swan!" "Are you okay?" My students were asking millions of questions and I just laid there, unable to move. "Call 911." Principal Fisher said. Then, everything went black.

I woke up and heard beeping. I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright light. "You're awake." I heard a voice. I looked beside me and saw a brunette. "M-mother." I croaked out. "Oh Emma. Did I teach you nothing? You're supposed to stand up for yourself." She said and stepped closer to me. "I can't. T-they're students." I said, my voice cracking. "Ugh. You should've been mayor. Not that bratty little Mary Margret." She seethed. "I didn't want to be mayor." I said. She huffed. "I don't know why how wanted to be a teacher. Maybe that's why Neal left you." She spit. I felt tears in my eyes and my breathing hitched. "Get out." I spit. "And don't even get me started on that bratty child of yours." She grumbled. "Get out! Don't you dare fucking talk about my daughter like that!" I screamed. "Oh Emma. You could've been so much more." She spit. "Cora Swan. You are no mother of mine. Get the hell out of my life!" I screamed. She sighed and left and tears fell from my eyes. "Ah, Ms. Swan, you're awake." A doctor said and walked in. I nodded and she smiled. "You don't have any major issues. You have two fractured ribs. And bruises and cuts. But that's all. You're on some major pain killers and we want to keep you overnight for some monitoring." She said. I nodded and she left. Then, I smiled as Regina came in carrying Riley. "Mommy!" She shouted. Regina put her down and she ran over and climbed in the bed with me. I hugged her tightly and kissed her head. "Hi baby girl." I said, quietly. I glanced up at Regina who was standing there awkwardly. "Come sit." I mumbled. She looked up at me, shocked but nodded. She came and sat in the recliner beside my bed and I smiled. "Mommy! Gina picked me up from school! And- and she took me to get ice cream!" Riley said excitedly. I smiled. "Did you say thank you?" I asked and she smiled and nodded. I smiled and looked at Regina. "Thank you." I said. She nodded. A nurse came in and smiled. "Emma, your doctor will be back in a few minutes to run a test. Would you like me to take your little one to the cafeteria or something?" She asked. I smiled. "Thank you. Riley, can you go with nurse Cierra?" I asked. Riley nodded and left with the nurse. I looked at Regina and smiled. "Thank you." I said. She smiled. "You already said that." She mumbled. I smiled. "No. Thank you for being here." I said. She smiled a little and blushed. "I'm sorry about Beca. She.. She's just so intense." She mumbled. I nodded. "It's okay... Regina.. She doesn't.. Hit you, does she?" I mumbled. Her face paled. "Regina." I said and she nodded. "She did." She mumbled and her voice cracked. "But it's okay. I.. I broke up with her." She said. I reached over and grabbed her hand. "There's only one tall, beautiful blonde I want to be with." She said. I smiled. "Are you free tonight?" I asked. She furrowed her eyebrows. "I.. They're keeping me over night and I need someone to stay with Riley.." I said. She smiled. "I'd love to." She said. I nodded. "I'll pay you." I said. She shrugged. "I'd like it better if you paid me with dinner and a movie like last time.." She said, quietly. I smiled. "That can be arranged." I said. She smiled and nodded.

At 7 o'clock, Regina left with Riley and my doctor came in to finish my meds for the night. Regina's sleeping at your house and you're not there. Damn it Swan. "You'll be able to leave first thing tomorrow morning." She said. I nodded and she left.
When I woke up, my doctor came in and checked my tests, then unhooked my iv. "You'll be sore for awhile, but just take Tylenol or Aleve and you'll be just fine." She said. I nodded and changed back into my pencil skirt, blouse and stilettos. I felt my phone buzz and I pulled it out of my pocket. Kathryn texted me? Kathryn is my half sister. Our mom had an affair with her dad and she ended up getting pregnant. Then, our dads both died from heart attacks.
I'm picking you up from the hospital.
I smiled at the text and went outside. I saw her convertible and got in. "So, you got your ass beat by a student." She said. I laughed. "Yep." I said. She smiled and started the drive to my house. She pulled into my driveway after awhile and I smiled, seeing Regina's black Benz. "Who's car?" Kathryn asked. "My babysitters." I said. She nodded. "We need to catch up soon." She said as I got out. I nodded and went to the door. I unlocked it and smiled at the warmth of my house. I closed the door, then furrowed my eyebrows. It's 10 o'clock on a Tuesday morning... I went upstairs and to Riley's room and she was still asleep. Then, I went to my room and smiled, seeing Regina in my bed in only a baggy t-shirt. I kicked my heels off then walked over and got in the bed beside her. I pulled her into my arms and she released a small moan. "Good morning." I purred in her ear. "Mm. When did you get here?" She asked. "My sister dropped me off. Just a few minutes ago." I said. She nodded and turned around in my arms. She looked at my lips and I leaned in, kissing her gently. When I pulled away, she looked shocked. "You're supposed to be at school." I whispered. She shrugged. "I'd rather be here." She said. I smiled and kissed her again. "I'm sorry for ruining things with us." I said, gently. She smiled. "It's nothing some good love won't fix.." She whispered seductively. I felt my arousal growing and she smiled. "Please?" She begged. I surged forward and captured her lips in mine. I pulled off her baggy shirt, then she moved her arms up, covering her bare chest. I raised an eyebrow. "They're kinda small.." She mumbled. "Do you hear yourself? Just hush." I said and moved her arms. She blushed and I smiled. "They're perfect." I said, admiring her amazing breasts. She immediately unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it off, then took off my bra. I got up and took off my skirt and thong and she smiled. "You're so sexy." She said, seductively. I got back in bed and kissed her passionately. This Mills girl is different.

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