"Lets go." Jude says slowly. My throat tightens and I realize Hayes' are trembling slightly. Jude notices and walks closer to her. He grabs both her hands and bends to be eye level with her. "I promise you, nothing will happen to you."

She swallows but nods fiercely. Her hands weakly grab her sides, pulling down on the rose colored silk. I lead her out of the room, pulling the door shut behind me. She walks ahead this time, leaving me and Jude behind.

"Be careful Firecracker." He steps forward and pulls on the green fabric so it covers my hair and eyes.

My heart pounds at the sudden closeness.

"Can't have you dying on the first day now can we?"

I shove him back lightly, leaving him chuckling behind me. "I should've known there was a going to be joke in there somewhere." I mumble.

We go and stand by our groups as Cassi holds the last radio. "Every hour."

I nod and stuck the radio in my back pocket, leaving two knifes in my right pocket and a gun safely tucked under the waistband. Jude and I walk forward, leading our groups out of the safety of the building and into Athanatos.

It's not too light yet, so I don't worry about constantly making sure my face is covered. "We'll go east, you guys go west." I say to Jude.

I turn away and start to walk away, but Jude grabs my hand. He pulls on it, bringing me closer to him.

"Really though. Stay safe." His green eyes find mine as all the previous joking is out of his voice, and only genuine worry remains. I give him a small smirk and say "You too. Can't have my co leader die now can we?"

A small laugh escapes his lips as he steps back and nods. "Let's go. Every hour  we radio in." This time though, his voice carries the authority is always does. I turn and walk east, starting our search.

By noon, we've been walking in he scorching sun for hours and at every sound my head snaps in that direction.

"Calm down." Brady puts his hand on the small of my back and pushes me slightly to the left as we turn into an abandoned alley. "You're gonna give us away if you don't stop touching the damn scarf."

I involuntarily flinch at his harsh words, cursing myself for being too paranoid.

Get a grip.

I pull out the radio, and step into the shadows of an alleyway. Holding down the button, I say "Soldier." into it. I wait for the answer carefully as Luke comes to stand by me.

"Firecracker. How's it going?"

I give a small sigh of relief at his voice. "Good. Found none alone so far, you?"

"Same. We were going to-" A scream cuts him off.

"Soldier Boy. Jude!" Silence greets me from the other side.


My heart quickens as Luke stares at me in shock. I take a glance around and meet his eyes. "Last time we heard from them was from the aqueducts, meaning they couldn't go far." I turn left, hastening my pace to get there faster.

"Kira! Wait." Brady grabs me hand pulling me to a stop. "Think this through, it's ok if you don't rush or-"

"Brady, that doesn't make sense. We need to help them."

"Kira," Luke interjects. "We should go."

I nod and turn away from Brady, not missing the "Fuck." he cusses under his breath.

Luke and I walk faster than Brady, reaching the aqueducts first. The dull roar of the water drowns our voices as we look around for Jude. I pull the radio out again and call him.


No answer.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

A crash sounds from somewhere to my left, followed by two gunshots. I glance at Luke, who immediately pulls out a knife and silently follows me. My heart thuds in my chest as I walk carefully over. Pressing myself against a wall, I peer over. Luke's breath is hot on my neck as he breathes "What do you see?"

Blood. That's what. A dark, crimson color. Staining the dirt. The wall.

The fear I feel for them mixes with an ache in my chest as images of Hayes, Jude and Thomas flash through my mind.

"Holy fuck." Luke curses. Brady is silent as he leans against a wall, his face twisted in a pained expression.

I walk over the stained road, carefully stepping over the blood when a disturbing thought comes to mind.

"Bodies. W-Where are the bodies?" My voice breaks in the middle and I fear the answer.

Luke's eyes are clouded with emotion as he looks around. "Kira, we-"


Relief floods through me as I whip around, face to face with none other than Jude.

"You- This- Oh my shit." I stutter out, completely in shock.

"You guys are actually ok?" Brady's voice rings through the empty alley.

"We are. Why do you sound so surprised?"

"What happened?" Luke walks over and pats Jude on the back.

"Long story." Jude's voice cuts off any form of continuation as he steps back from where they came and yanks a person out. "But," the guy stumbles forward as Jude continues, "we got ourselves an Elxi."

A small grin crosses my face as I see the Elxi's face twisted in anger. One Elxi, one answer. One answer, one step closer to finding Ralph.


Sorry for the wait I've been so busy. Tell me what you think of this chapter!

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