Kids(Random part not part of the real story)

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"Prestly! Come back!" I yelled at the smily toddler who was running down the trail at the park. She tripped and someone caught her.

I rushed over to Prestly and made sure she was okay. I looked up at the person who caught her. It was a blonde haired girl with caramel eyes and a bright smile.

" Thank you for catching her."

I said to the girl.

" Your welcome I'm Kirsty."

Kirsty said putting out her hand. I took it and shook it.


"Is she yours?"

I shook my head no.

" One of my best friends daughter."

She nodded her head.

" Well it was nice meeting you Lachlan, but I need to go bye!"


She started to walk away and I picked Prestly up and swung her onto my hip.

"Your a trouble maker arn't you?"

I said poking her nose. She let out a shriek of laughter. I smiled at her. " Laclen!" She said. She couldn't pronounce some of the letters in my name.

"Yes Hun?"

"Lova you!"

I kissed her cheek and started to walk towards home.

I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. When I got in it was extremely loud. Prestly didn't like it when it was loud and started to cry and buried her face in my chest.

I started to whisper sweet nothings into her ear as I started to make our way up to Vikk and I's room.

When I got up there I sat down on the bed and started to rock back and forth. She eventually stopped crying and she still had a death grip on me.

"Can you let go Prestly?"

I asked her. For a respond she let go of my shirt and I set her down. She ran out of the room going somewhere to reck mayhem.

I smiled as I heard shrieks coming from downstairs. I went down stairs and Prestly was chasing Vikk and Rob while Preston the dog chased Prestly. I leaned against the wall and watched the chase go on.

Eventually Prestly got tired and plopped herself down on the ground. I walked over to here and picked her up. Spinning her around placing her on the same spot as usual, on my hip.
The wild child fell asleep with her head against my chest and her arms wrapped around one around my arm. I comb bed thought her hair as light snores came from her mouth.

Vikk slowly opened the door and walked in. He yawned and laid on the other side of me. He mimicked Prestly's position and soon fell asleep also.

I felt my arms fall asleep and imagined how painful the pins and needles where going to be in the next hours.

Heaven knows how long these two can take a nap for. Vikk once laid down for a nap and slept for a night and half of the day. That's his record. Prestly's was a day and three quarters of a night.

I'm in for a real treat. Note the sarcasm.


I just felt like writing this short little thing about Prestly.

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